Renting 101: Apartment Hunting Tips For Dog Owners

Finding the right apartment either for yourself or your family can be challenging enough. If you have a dog (or a few of them), apartment hunting can become even more challenging. This article gives a few tips on what you should consider when you’re apartment hunting. It also explains why it’s crucial you read carefully the contract, as well as gives examples of what you need to do to care for the apartment when you’ve got a dog living with you.

It isn’t easy to find a suitable apartment to live in, and the process becomes even more complicated if you own a dog. Dogs are not allowed in most apartments, and in apartments that do allow dogs, there is a breed and size restriction for the pets. What’s a dog owner to do?

Factors to Consider When Looking for an Apartment

One of the first issues you need to consider when you’re looking for an apartment for you and your dog is whether pets are allowed in the apartment building or not. It makes no sense to start discussing details of the rental agreement when the owner doesn’t even want dogs in the apartment in the first place. Furthermore, even if an apartment advertisement states that dogs are permitted, ask what types of dogs are in fact allowed before you go into further discussions about the place. This is especially important if you own a large or noisy dog, which many apartment owners don’t allow in their buildings.

Another essential factor to consider is the location of the apartment. The best apartments are those close to parks or other open areas where you can take your dog to exercise or go potty. This may be a little bit harder if you’re searching for an apartment in the middle of a busy city, but it’s still possible if you take your time and look at all the available options.

The Importance of Reading the Contract

Whenever you’re renting an apartment, it’s important to read and understand the contract in its entirety. This is even more important if you’re planning to bring a dog into the apartment because there may be additional rules and restrictions that apply specifically to the dog. For instance, the apartment owner may require dog owners to pay a higher security deposit to cover potential damages that may be done by the dog. The contract may also include additional cleaning requirements, particularly during the time when the renter is about to leave. You may be required to clean the carpets and make sure the apartment is free of dog fur and unpleasant odors before you can move out and get your security deposit back.

Barking is also one of the common problems that dog owners face when they’re looking to rent an apartment. Some apartment owners explicitly state in the contract that persistent and uncontrollable barking by the dog may be considered grounds for eviction. In order to avoid such problems, it’s crucial that you read the contract very carefully right from the beginning.

Caring for the Apartment

Every individual who rents an apartment has the responsibility of keeping the place in proper order at all times. If you own a dog, this responsibility can be much more difficult especially if you let the dog walk freely around the apartment. Accidents can happen at all times, and it is going to require a lot of vigilance to keep the area clean. To minimize unnecessary damages to the apartment, take as many preventive measures as you can. For example, if you have a dog that sheds a lot, put a protective covering on the carpet or train your dog to stay away from carpeted rooms.

All in all, it does take more effort to find an apartment and keep it in good condition when you have a dog. But with patience and perseverance, you will be able to find a place where both you and your dog can live satisfactorily.

Author Bio: Bruno is blogging about pomeranian and Mops (pug dogs) at

Category: Pets
Keywords: Pets,Animal,Dog,Advice,Pomeranian

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