A Closer Look at the Top 3 Diseases You Don’t Want to Have

The lifestyle we have, the type of food we eat, and our genetic makeup all contribute to what we are and what we become. It also affects what disease we may get as we age and grow older. Here are three of the worst diseases anyone can have. These diseases are not rare, and have caused much pain and disability not only to the person with the disease, but to the people who care about them. These diseases do not have a cure as well, making it a permanent burden to those that are affected. Hopefully, someone would be able to discover a cure for these diseases to alleviate the pain and suffering of those that are affected.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a condition wherein someone’s brain cells slowly die on their own. The main impact of the disease is on someone’s memory. It can start from small things, such as misplacing house keys or utility bills. But as the disease progresses, the condition becomes much worse. The affected person will not be able to recognize their own family, sometimes mistaking a daughter for a neighbor or an old friend.

The disease takes away not just memories, but also everything that is stored in the brain. As the disease worsens, the affected may not even be able to perform tasks which they are familiar with. They may end up like a child with no memory of their achievements and accomplishments in life. It is really painful for the relatives to see that their loved one does not know them anymore and can’t remember what he’s done with his life.

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is another situation that anyone does not want to have. The nerves that affect motor movements are affected and become malfunctioned. The symptoms may start with minor hand shaking or may cause the whole body to shake uncontrollably. A person suffering from this disease will find it hard to even hold a pen or drive safely. Once the disease becomes more advanced, the affected person will not be able to do anything for himself and will always depend on someone else to take care of him.

The ironic part is that the mental abilities of someone suffering from this disease are intact. Thus, it is a struggle for someone to see himself helpless and not be able to take care or protect himself. However, there are trainings and therapies that aim to make life easier for both the person with the disease and the person who takes care of him.


Arthritis is another disease that can cause much suffering and disability. Although it is not fatal, it causes much pain that it will definitely affect anyone’s daily routine. Historically, only elderly patients suffer from Arthritis. But due to the type of lifestyle and the food we eat, even younger generations are already affected by this disease nowadays.

Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. What happens is that there is a reduction on fluids that cause our joints to be loose, thus causing friction and eventually inflammation. Once this happens, there will be a difficulty in writing, holding onto things, and even walking. There are different types of Arthritis based on the specific joints affected. Some examples are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Author Bio: Brent McNutt enjoys networking with healthcare professionals online. He also likes talking about Urbane Scrubs and Landau Shoes and also likes writing articles about various topics.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: aging,Alzheimer\’s disease,Parkinson\’s disease,arthritis

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