Test Your Knowledge of Soccer and Hockey Lingo

Soccer and Hockey are in the sports news right now, so let’s catch up on your ‘sports speak’, the unique language of sports for these two diverse games.

These 2 short soccer and hockey quiz will test your knowledge of the game and build your vocabulary while teasing your brain. These 6 quiz questions offers the additional benefit of impressing your sports-playing friends with your sports IQ.

Ready, set, GO!

Soccer Quiz Questions:

1) What is a Banana Kick according to soccer players?

A. Ball that is too slippery for a goalkeeper to handle.
B. Kicked ball that curves and moves around obstructions.
C. Occurs when a player mis-strikes the ball and stumbles over it, as if slipping on a peel.

2) What is a Foot Trap at soccer games?

A. Using elaborate footwork to fool the defender into believing they can dispossess you.
B. Player who uses his/her foot to manage the ball.
C. Holding an opponent in place by intentionally stepping on their foot

3) What is a Wall Pass during soccer games?

A. 3-step move where a player passes to a teammate then runs to the open awaiting the return of the ball.
B. Striking the ball into the defensive wall on a free kick causing it to rebound to an unmarked teammate.
C. Pass where you use the goal post as a wall.

Soccer Quiz Answers:

1) B. Banana Kick: a kicked ball that curves and moves around obstructions

2) B. Foot Trap: player who uses his/her foot to manage the ball.

3) A. Wall pass: 3-step move where a player passes to a teammate then runs to the open awaiting the return of the ball.

Other soccer lingo at gamerisms includes Golden Goal, Bicycle Kick, Sweeper and Thigh Trap.
Along with a 10 question/answer Soccer Quiz, there is a 3-part Soccer Glossary
at gamerisms.

Hockey Quiz Questions:

1) What is a Biscuit according to hockey players?

A. Lingo for a hockey puck.
B. The round section at center ice where play begins.
C. The helmet the players wear.

2) What is a Dangler in reference to hockey games?

A. Puck that seems to remain suspended in air for a short time.
B. An expert stick handler that moves through the defense with ease
C. Player who holds to the back of the group while moving down the ice.

3) What is a Shutdown Player?

A. Hockey Player who is called in near the end of the game.
B. Hockey player who is easily stopped.
C. Hockey Player that is a defensive specialist.

Hockey Quiz Answers:

1) A. Biscuit: lingo for a hockey puck.
2) B. Dangler: an expert stick handler that moves through the defense with ease.
3) C. Shutdown Player: a player that is a defensive specialist.

Other hockey lingo at gamerisms includes Howitzer, One-Timer, Bar Down and Sleeper. Along with a 10 question/answer Hockey Quiz, there is a 4-part Hockey Glossary at gamerisms.

Did you score big on the quiz or perhaps you need a sports lingo refresher course?

Author Bio: Gayle Mitchell is the publisher and webmaster at gamerisms.com, the games glossary site for passionate sport, casino, skill and video game players. Play Games Quiz offers 25 quiz to test your sports & games knowledge. Also, gamerisms sports and games blog to receive updates for the games we love to play.

Category: Sports
Keywords: hockey quiz, soccer quiz, hockey lingo, soccer lingo, sports lingo, hockey games, hockey players, so

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