How Not to Potty Train Your Dog

One of the most important things used in connection with (potty) training to know is that afterwards you may never punish dogs. A dog brings your comment only related to something happening at the same time. He is not able to link to your grumbling about something that happened 10 seconds or longer ago.

Some people think that their dogs certainly know that shortly before he did something naughty, because then the dog as ‘guilty’ behavior. This is not the case, but arises as follows. Suppose you had just left the room, you come in and see the dog pee on the carpet done. You mutters to the dog, perhaps even drag it to the place of the “accident” again. Believe us: your dog understands nothing of this! The only thing this dog has learned is that you can be suddenly angry. Therefore, the dog, the next time you get away, and comes back, meekly borne and insecure. This means that he has a low stance, and maybe creeps its way into a safe place. This he does because he has learned that you could suddenly get angry when you arrive. Usually, the fact that the dog this time or do not show a pee on the carpet has done with his ‘guilty’ behavior is nothing to do!

Some dogs learn over time is to link your anger and the presence of a pee or stool. However, these dogs learning, while you get angry when there is a puddle on the carpet (so the dog is behaving in that situation insecure / submissive), but they do not learn how to prevent the situation. The indoor pools is thus not less, the only thing you achieved is uncertain / suspicious of your dog’s attitude towards you (in certain situations). There is a very real chance that within urinate / defecate even increases, because the dog is stressed and uncertain. Uncertainty / stress leads to “urge” people also know this phenomenon?

One reason for a puppy as part of potty training ever ( “hard”) to punish the risk that your dog (unintentionally) that teaches you angry when he pees or poops in your presence. If this “misunderstanding” once created, will not the dog outside to pee and poop, because he expected a correction. The dog will only have “secretly” (inside) urinating at times that you are not present or not watching. You can imagine this situation – once created – is very problematic. Moreover, the dishonest anyway just to punish a dog for something, which he does not know that it can not. Human infants and toddlers are not punished because of uncleanliness!

How Can!

You can teach your dog the best that he needs to do outside, by letting him experience outside pee / pooping behavior is very rewarding, as opposed to inside.

Make the dog trained by it frequently and to let the good times, so he learns to pee outside on the basis of pay, rather than that he mostly learns not to pee inside (based on punishment). Every time the dog to a place where he does his business may do urinates or poops, you praise him (direct) exuberance. Do not be frugal with your reward, a pat for most dogs been active enough to do something like / want your pet to earn. Try to use a treat (it need not be much, but if it is delicious). At first your dog deserves a treat with every pee outside, over time you build it gradually.

At times you can expect the dog needs to do (after sleeping, after eating, after a game) it takes you to the place where he can do his business. Praise him (directly and with something that’s worth) when he actually does. Try urinating in / pooping to prevent, rather than make it happen and then punish. It happens one time your puppy pees or poops inside and you see it happen, then interrupt the behavior by example in your hands to clap. You may scare the puppy should shop (only in the act!), But as I said sanctions should in our view not at issue in making a clean puppy.

If you are familiar with clicker training (eg because you have a course or followed by ‘t HOS), you can use the clicker as an aid to good use the potty training. Click when the puppy pees on a desired place or evacuate (click when the dog has just finished, because when he previously clickt urination / relieve perhaps demolished to directly pay to come out!).

The time a puppy needs to be trained to differ from dog to dog (like children). Some puppies is so for each other, in other months it takes until cleanliness is achieved.

Not all indoor pools results from inadequate housetraining!

Some dogs do puddles called humility. The run of a little urine is a natural reaction of a dog, another dog or a man wants to know the other much higher in rank than himself. In other words it is a way to show respect. Humility are made puddles in situations where the dog is uncertain (eg when he is punished) and is intended for any of the other to inhibit aggression. Puppies do a faster than an adult dog pee humility, but also in some (humble) adult dogs we see this behavior.

Urination may also result in great excitement. People (especially children) know this well, they wet themselves with laughter, and also in great fear!

It is very important that you urinate from humility (and / or because of great excitement) is not confused with uncleanliness. You may urination namely humility never punish, how annoying you might even find! The dog will not understand your grumbling, and will see you punished him when he shows his respect for you and he just tries your (if any) to inhibit aggression. Not only will the trust between dog and owner claims properly, it will also exacerbate the problem. From uncertainty, even clearer to show that you really are higher in rank than he, and your trying to do more to inhibit aggression, the dog will do more humility puddles. In other words, grumble / punishment exacerbates this problem. More about humility and lakes or ponds to welcome you to read our article “Humility lake.

If your dog is clean when you’re at home, but unclean when he is home alone – even though it only briefly – this could be an indication of anxiety. Over there you can read in the article “Dog home alone”.

As part of potty training methods we also like the option called a crate (kennel room) to use. You can read more about in our article on “Training Bench.

Are you interested in an excellent book about raising a puppy? Please read our information about the book “Puppy Guide”. The book “The education of a puppy” We recommend.

Author Bio: Bruno is blogging about Pomeranian and Mops (pug dogs) at

Category: Pets
Keywords: pets,animal,dogs,advice,dog training

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