Surprising (And Not-So-Surprising) Things That Hurt a Job Search

A job search can be a complicated beast, partially because technology and individual industries have evolved to an extent that we don’t know how to keep up with their changes. Unfortunately, some of those changes, whether surprising or not-so-surprising, could hurt us along the way if we aren’t aware of them.

As you conduct your job search, it’s good to keep track of everything that could have a negative impact on its progress. That way, you won’t feel sideswiped as you try to step into the next phase of your career.

Surprisingly, the following could hurt your job search…

So let’s first take a look at some surprising factors that could have an adverse effect on your job search. The first is bad credit. While many have no idea why in the world credit could play a role in a job search, some employers have their opinions on why it is important to them as they consider candidates.

One is that they believe the credit score provides some insight into the character of the candidate. Also, some employers feel that by looking at a credit report, they could determine whether the candidate is using the job to pay down bills or looking to be employed for the long term.

Another surprising factor that could do some serious damage to your job search is the social networking. You’re scratching your head because you’ve heard so many great things about what they can do for your search, right? Well, just as social networking sites can boost your professional profile, they could tear it down as well.

While companies love the easy access social networking sites give to your resume, references and more, they also use profiles as a way to snoop around. The hope is that they discover something about you that you don’t want them to know, something that could help them avoid a tragic budget loss. Are you are heavy partier? Definitely don’t leave this cat out of the bag on your social networking profiles. Any signs that you’re not a stable candidate could hurt your chances before you’re even seriously considered.

Not-so-Surprisingly, the following could hurt your job search…

While there are things that many people didn’t know could hurt their chances, there are some things most people know could hurt their chances of being hired. For instance, there’s no doubt that a bad resume and interview are deal breakers in the job search because these are the elements employers use to decide whether you’re right for the job.

So how could you turn bad into good? For the resume, you want to focus on action keywords that liven up your accomplishments and spend time making sure that each resume focuses on each company you apply with. For the interview, it’s good to rehearse before you go and learn the company’s background so that the interviewer knows you really want to work for that company.

The complicated beast known as your job search doesn’t have to overwhelm you, especially if you know what to expect before you start. So now that you know what could hurt a job search, hopefully you won’t feel sideswiped by any surprising or not-so-surprising factors engrained in the process.

Author Bio: Need a job? Be sure your resume is the best it can be. Review and compare resume services and choose the best one for you and your situation. Do it today at

Category: Jobs
Keywords: resume,resume writing,job,career,employment,job search,find a job,get a job,dream,job search,resume writer,resume services,resume format,job search mistakes

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