Short-term Temperature to the Body

Lets talk about short-term temperature to the body and how the body response to this experience!

In the previous 14 years we have been associating heated basalt stones with a Yang and chilled marble stones with a Yin experience to the body. I am pleased to share some new insight into temperature and the body-mind-soul connection that may support some of your findings.

This innovative concept certainly substantiates what my clients and I have found to be true. Short-term heated stones moving along tissue, over muscle and limbs generate a sympathetic response in the body initially, lasting up to one minute, with a single application of heated stones. Short-term chilled stones moving along tissue, over muscle and limbs generate a sympathetic response in the body initially, by continuously bringing in fresh chilled stones to the area for a period of five to twenty minutes, depending upon the level of congestion and inflammation. You will recognize the change in the tissue as the body brings oxygenated blood to the area, and begins the healing process. Both short-term heat and short-term cold to the body are a Yang/action/warrior reaction.

The body must determine if the temperature being offered to the tissue is a real threat, or if the body can maintain homeostasis as the temperature is maintained at the extreme degree it was first initiated to the body. This moving of stones over tissue in the first few moments that the mind is determining if the temperature is supporting the body or challenging the body is also referred to as ”convection”; the temperature enters the superficial tissue with the aid of massage oil, pressure and movement. Allowing the tissue to absorb the full benefit of the temperature being offered, whether it is hot or cold stones. After the mind has determined the body is not in a real threat situation, it begins to relax into the temperature if the degree of temperature is being maintained by alternating fresh heated or chilled stones to the area being massaged. This may mean six to eight or more stones in an isolated area to achieve the long-term response you are striving to accomplish with one temperature for your client.

As the body gives into the temperature and begins to relax with what is happening conduction begins, allowing the temperature to enter the deeper layers of muscle and tissue, thus achieving a long-term or Yin/passive/nurturer response with the body, mind and soul of your client. In some ways conduction can also occur when doing Chakra and stone placement, this will be determined by the thickness or lack of layers used between the stone and the client”s bare skin. If there is only a thin layer of material separating the clients bare skin from the degree of a hot or cold stone then the first reaction will be Yang if the temperature does not cause harm to the area of the skin it is addressing. In a matter of a few moments a Yin response will begin to take place and the client will relax into the stones lying on or under their body. If you use a towel to separate the hot or cold stone from the bare skin then a Yin response will begin to take place and there is less threat in harming tissue with a none-moving stone. Here is something to think about: for the Spinal Layout I cover the heated stones with a pillowcase, then lay the chilled stones on top of that pillowcase and cover the whole layout once again with another pillowcase before lying the client on top of the Spinal Layout.

This method results in covering the heated stones with two layers of pillowcase and only one layer over the chilled stones. Remember if you are using the full potential Spinal layout stones there are seventeen stones to be used on the back. This means the potential of different combinations of heated and chilled stones along the spine are 17 to the 17th power; you could almost say it is endless possibilities for the Spinal Layout stones and alternating temperatures. When taking advantage of these layering choices you can achieve both Yin and Yang responses immediately for your client when doing stone and Chakra placement. Some of you might remember that in the past we referred to the basalt stones as Yang and marble stones as Yin due to their color and temperature being applied to the body.

In many of the Native American tribes black is the masculine and white is the feminine, throughout Asia the color black is associated with Yin, night, moon, feminine energies and the color white is associated with Yang, day, sun, masculine energies. I would like to suggest that you begin to play around with how the body responds to the temperature you are using initially, then intuitively connect to the energy of the stones color and vibration. Once you collect this data and integrate it into your awareness you will see that LaStone Therapy is constantly offering a complete balance of all life throughout the treatment, it truly is the Last One Therapy.

Author Bio: Matilda regularly writes for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone massage supplies provider. They carry such products as hot stone massage kit and hot stones, as well as many other many other accessories for hot stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage kit,hot stones

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