Five Reasons to Buy the Martin Yale 1624 Handheld Electric Letter Opener

Opening mail is one of those tasks that needs to be done on a daily basis, even though it’s not particularly enjoyable. If you find yourself opening a fair amount of mail every day, you may want to consider purchasing an electric letter opener such as the 1624 from esteemed office machine manufacturer Martin Yale. The 1624 is a handheld device that makes opening your mail fast and easy. Here are the five reasons you should buy this machine. Check them out….

1.) It offers fast and easy operation. The 1624 is perfect for use in the workplace, as well as at home. It can open an envelope is just a few seconds so you’ll be able to process your mail in a very short amount of time. The machine will start operating automatically when you insert an envelope into it, so using it is easy too. The 1624 was designed to handle standard sized envelopes, so it’s ideal for opening bills, correspondence, and so on. However, you may want to tap the envelope on a desk or table before opening it just to make sure the blades don’t nick the document inside.

2.) No A/C adapter required. Although this is an electric letter opener, you don’t need to keep it plugged into the wall. That’s because it’s fueled by four AA batteries instead of an A/C adapter. To save battery power, the device will only run when there’s an envelope in it.

3.) It’s safe to use. This letter opener is safe to use because the blades are completely enclosed. It’s highly unlikely that your fingers will come into contact with the blades, so injuries will be avoided. Plus, the 1624 is ergonomically friendly, so your hand won’t become fatigued or sore when you use it.

4.) It’s compact and portable. This device is very compact and has dimensions of 5.25″ (width) x 2.375″ (depth) x 1.75″ (height). (It’s about the size of a smal stapler to give you some idea of how small it is.) Thus, you’ll be able to store in it a desk drawer or even pop it into your briefcase if you’re going to be away from the office for any length of time. It weighs less than 5 ounces, so carrying it around won’t be difficult at all.

5.) It will save you time and money. If you spend a good chunk of your workday opening mail, the 1624 can help you save a lot of time because you can spend your time doing something more productive. (Thus, it can help you save money on labor costs if you use it in the workplace.) Also, this machine is very affordably priced so you won’t have to spend a fortune to get a high-quality letter opener.

The Martin Yale 1624 is a great letter opener that will make opening your mail the easiest part of your day. It works quickly, it doesn’t require an A/C adapter, and it’s portable so you can use it wherever you need to. And it’s also affordable. So if this sounds like the ideal letter opener for you, get yours today so you can start opening your mail much more quickly.

Author Bio: If you’d like to purchase the Martin Yale 1624, you should really visit They have this product available at a great price and a terrific selection of Paper Folders. Plus, you’ll get free shipping on every order over $75.00.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: letter opener,electric letter opener,martin yale,handheld electric letter,electric opener

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