Ellery Queen Mysteries

Ellery Queen Mysteries were created by two American cousins who used Ellery Queen as both their pseudonym as well as a name for their fictional character. Daniel Nathan, born on the 20th of October and Manford Lepofsky, born on the 11th of January 1905 were the two master minds who came up with Ellery Queen Mysteries – a fictional detective series.

Over 4 decades Ellery Queen Mysteries have captured the attention of many Americans and people across the globe. Ellery Queen as a fictional character, to this very date, is one of the well known fictional detectives of the United States. These two cousins did not just stop with creating the fictional mystery novels but also took it one step ahead by creating fictional mystery magazines. These novels were later used to create radio shows, movies and also many television series.

The idea to create the American fictional detective Ellery Queen came in the year of 1928 when the McClure’s Magazine announced a competition for upcoming writers to submit a mystery novel. Thus they came up with the character whose name also became the pseudonym for both the cousins together. These two cousins created one of the best characters in American literature and the duration in which the Ellery Queen Mysteries existed came to be known as the golden era of mystery novels.

Their works were well plotted and gave such wonderful anecdote to their clues and solutions. The detailed writing as to how the lead character goes about finding characteristics of the killer is also notable and in all honesty, can be claimed to be the most meticulous work among American novels.

The adventures of Ellery Queen was first broadcasted over the radio in 1939 and lasted for almost a decade when it came to an end in 1948. The best thing about the radio broadcast was that the callers were actually invited to take part in the quiz competitions to help solve a mystery and win some amazing goodies. Many callers actually called in to give their answers and once a particular caller actually managed to unravel the mystery, he or she was announced the winner and the right answer was broadcast immediately. Four actors played the role of Ellery Queen over its nine year radio run with Sydney Smith enduring for the longest stretch of time.

Following the great success of Ellery Queen Mysteries over the radio, The Adventures of Ellery Queen television series were created and was first telecast in the year 1950 and lasted till 1952. Though the series was telecast on DuMont Network, it was later brought to the ABC Networks. Again in the year of 1954, the series was taken back to the DuMont network. Another series starring Jim Hutton as Ellery Queen premiered in 1975 and ran for 22 episodes.

Ellery Queen Mysteries were also made into movies, wherein, there are a total of 11 movies made out of the mystery novels. Apart from movies, they were also made into comic books and graphic novels, novelty Ellery Queen jigsaw puzzles and board games were also created. A total of thirty six novels were created by both the cousins, along with short and true stories too.

Author Bio: To learn more about Ellery Queen Mysteries on the radio, visit this Adventures of Ellery Queen Radio Show Page. For Ellery Queen Mysteries on TV, visit this Ellery Queen TV Show Page.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: Adventures,Ellery,Queen,private,eye,detective,radio,TV,television,show,series,drama,Hutton,DuMont

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