Pomeranian Dog Care Essentials

Pomeranian dogs, which are also referred to as poms, are petite dog breeds that have lithe bodies covered with “tons” of fur. These are mainly concentrated around the neck region of this toy dog. This balloon-like fur concentration around their neck gives them the appearance which resembles that of a male lion. Unlike their bigger counterpart, this furry dog breed is generally gentle and well-mannered.

This adorable pet dog is a direct cousin of dogs from the Spitz line and is a native of the region of Pomerania, a land-locked area that covers parts of Poland and Germany. Pomeranians were originally used as sheep herding dogs, but today, they are exclusively considered as companion dogs. Queen Victoria has been instrumental in popularizing this breed, and she even had her kennel in the late 18th century.

The Pomeranian dogs that were bred then were the larger types and weighed about 30 lbs, which are much larger than today’s poms, which normally weigh about 5 to 7 lbs. With their lion-like appearance and puffy fur coat, no other breed comes close to this toy dog when it comes to their cutesy look. The more common colors of poms are orange ands red, although there are some poms that come in other colors as well.

Pomeranian Grooming Essentials

Proper grooming is one of your major concerns, if you have a pet pom. Because of their thick coat, their fur is prone to matting. You must be properly prepared and willing to spend a considerable amount of time brushing your pet pom. Pomeranians continuously shed their outer fur coat and shed their undercoat twice a year. Thus, this is not an ideal pet dog for those who are too finicky about having dog hair on furniture and clothing. Owners of poms must also care for the eyes and ears of their toy dog more often compared to other breeds, and these should be cleaned regularly.

Pomeranian Feeding Essentials

Pomeranians don’t require any special feed ration or diet. Puppy food is perfectly fine with them even when they are still young. You can then gradually shift to adult dog food as they become older. However, you should avoid feeding your pet pom anything other than dog treats and dog rations.

Pom Potty Training Essentials

Just like with most of the other dog breeds, pet poms are also potty trained. You have to learn how to use puppy pads or old newspapers to potty train your pet poms. You have to closely watch over your pet poms after they go potty as the feces tend to stick on their back fur. To prevent fur messes every time they go potty, you have to regularly trim their back fur. You may also consider to potty train your pet pom by having them go to the bathroom in a litter box. Don’t forget to reward your pet pom every time they go potty to reinforce this positive behavior.

Common Pomeranian Problems

Responsible pet ownership requires that you are fully aware of the problems which are breed-specific. One of the major issues with Pomeranians is their compulsive barking. Unless they are given a firm kind of training while they are still young, a young pom can be a real nuisance, especially when they go to a barking spell in the dead of the night. You have to be assertive and firm so that your pet Pomeranian learns when it is appropriate to bark.

Poms are ideal family pets. However, they don’t get along well with small children. You have to take preventive measures so that your toddler or small kid doesn’t get nipped by your pet pom. Pomeranians don’t generally bite; however, they will definitely nip if they are threatened.

Author Bio: Bruno is blogging about pomeranians in the pomeranian forum and about pugs in the mops forum at Hundefeber.no.

Category: Pets
Keywords: pet,pets,animal,animals,dog,dogs,pomeranian,dog care,pomeranian grooming

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