Repair Credit Fast Secret Weapon Hands Brent Keys to First Home!

Forgetting to pay a credit card bill is not cool, especially when you’re trying to get approved for credit.

Brent Morris clearly screwed up while trying to bank qualify to buy their first home.

Brent overlooked a credit card bill, causing the card issuer to hit Brent with a 30-day late.

No courtesy phone call requesting payment.

No warning letter informing Brent and his wife that failure to pay could harm their credit and result in debt collections.

When Brent contacted me, you could hear the desperation in his voice. They were in escrow to buy their home, expecting to close in less than 2 weeks.

He couldn’t believe he had overlooked a credit card bill.

He couldn’t believe one 30-day late could drop his middle FICO credit score 60 points.

He also couldn’t believe customer service wouldn’t give him a break. According to Brent, they had been long-time customers, making on-time payments on this card for 6 years.

For Brent, this was an ugly introduction to credit reality…from the wrong side of the fence. They definitely needed to repair credit fast!

To help Brent and his wife at the 11th hour, I agreed to help but could NOT guarantee results…when it was so late in escrow.

I explained to Brent and his wife the success my customers, family, friends and I have had with one powerful letter strategy.

It’s not just any old letter. It’s the right letter with the right wording, sent to the right people using the right mailing technique.

Brent gave me the details.

Given more time, I felt 99.9% confident. With such short notice, I couldn’t be as confident.

That same day, I completed my research, wrote and “mailed” my letter. In less than 14 hours, Brent received a call from the executive assistant inside the executive office of Amalgamated Bank-Mastercard (his credit card issuer).

To Brent’s and his wife’s shock, Amalgated DELETED the 30-day late, faxing Brent written confirmation.
Brent’s mortgage guy quickly did a “rapid rescore,” allowing Brent and his wife (once again) to get excited all over again about the opportunity to own their very own home.

Certainly, as you can imagine, Brent and his wife were so grateful-unbelievably grateful-for what I did to help them.

They had set their hearts on grabbing the keys to their very first home. It was a big deal to them. Therefore, it was a big deal to me too.

You and I both know Brent and his wife could have found another “dream” home if this one hadn’t worked out for them.
For many people who don’t know what to do, their dreams (can) break apart with one 30-day late. For many people, the hit can be as high as 90-100 points.

By the way, my customers, family, family & I use this very same letter strategy to resolve ANY issue with any business. On my DVD, 8 SECRETS TO A 680 CREDIT SCORE!, I share the exact step-by-step technique and the letter template I recommend.

Repair credit fast strategies (can) work if you know and take action on the exact strategy. This is one technique you will be able to use over and over again, possibly saving your home as happened with Brent and his wife.

Author Bio: Bad Credit Repair Coach Mike Payne helps people improve their credit and grab the keys to their new homes…as quickly as possible…using 100% LEGAL & effective strategies. After more than 10 years, Mike’s DVD 8 Secrets To A 680 Credit Score! offers step-by-step credit repair help @ Bad Credit Repair – Repair Credit Fast!

Category: Finances
Keywords: repair,credit,fast,bad,debt,free,reports

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