Improve Metabolism Through Boot Camp Workouts

The metabolic rate of every person gives away lot of information about his or her state of health. A healthy person has a good metabolism while an unhealthy person has a very low metabolism. Boot camp is a great way to enhance one’s metabolic rate. If we stop for a second here and wonder what exactly metabolism is, it is just the process that keeps us alive. Although this is a simple definition, the actual process of metabolism itself is quite complicated.

We as human beings eat three meals a day usually and also many other snacks in between. Consider each of these intakes as a way of adding calories to the body. We also add calories through beverages, coffee, tea and everything else that we consume during the course of the day. The human body needs energy to operate and this energy has to be obtained from somewhere. Food we consume cannot support the human functions. So it has to be broken down into simple substances like glucose, a process which releases energy that is utilized by human beings for daily activities and the main organs like heart for executing their functions properly. The nutrients and oxygen are transported meanwhile to all the cells in the body.

Food in the form of liquid such as juice is very easily absorbed in the blood stream while the solid food including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats have to be broken down. A person with good metabolic rate is able to digest everything he or she eats thus possessing a lot of energy. On the other hand, a lethargic person is likely to have a low metabolic rate. If the metabolic processes do not convert the food into energy, all the extra calories are stored in the body as fat reserves for future use adding to the weight of a person leading to obesity. This is where attending a boot camp becomes so important for a person.

In a boot camp a person is made to undergo vigorous physical activities, which means he or she needs a lot of energy. To fuel this activity, the metabolic processes of the internal system go into an overdrive converting all available food into energy. If sufficient food is not available, or the calorie intake is less, even the fat reserves are burnt to provide extra energy. This leads to the person feeling hungrier.

Thus boot camp exercises initiate a self sustaining cycle, where a person participates in intense physical activity and hence requires more energy. The metabolic rate increases to supply all the energy required, thus demanding more energy. This ensures the person feels hungry and eats on time as a result of which adding fat reserves to the body is avoided. The high rate of metabolism in people attending a boot camp ensures that every available ounce of fat in the body is shed. Thus, even going forward if a person takes extra calories, the intense metabolism takes care of it to ensure fat is not added.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is a weight loss expert and owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. If you would like to attend a Bronte Boot Camp or join a Boot Camp in Sydney, visit Boot Camp Moore Park.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: Bronte Boot Camp, Boot Camp in Sydney, Boot Camp Moore Park

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