The Rise of the Citizen Journalist

Not so long ago it was an uphill battle for any aspiring news hounds, either writers or photographers to make headway. A catch twenty two situation existed in the media where you couldn’t submit copy or photos without being in a union, usually the NUJ in the case of Britain and Ireland, and you couldn’t join the union unless you earned your living from journalism. There were of course all kinds of side doors apart from straight through journalism college. Some of the guys and girls I knew concentrated on the more obscure side of the entertainment business, photographing and writing about actors, pop bands and models,and submitting work to anyone who would publish.

During my time studying Photojournalism at NYU night school I worked for a weekly free sheet , ‘Manhattan East’ that passed its self as a newspaper. It was run by a crazy fellow Irishman called Ed. (I’ll not use his family name in case I upset anyone). It was a bit of a riot. There was a secretary, a pretty but dizzy girl called Audrey, who always smelled like she’d just had a vodka break. She never showed up in the morning ’till ten at the earliest and her typing speed was like all her other speeds. Slow. Ed chose to ignore this situation, probably because he only paid ‘the staff’ (me and Audrey) ‘occasionally’. But one huge compensation made the whole thing worth while; Ed managed to get me ‘Press Credentials’.

That was back in 1979 when I started freelancing for an Irish newspaper, the ‘Sunday World’ which is still going strong today. One freezing January afternoon in a coffee shop on the West side of Central Park, I met a guy called Selwyn Levy. Selwyn was huge. He took up the entire opposite side of the table from me as he devoured a breakfast for two all by himself. We struck up a conversation and I was fascinated to hear what he did for a living. He sold movie clips to the New York TV stations. He explained how it had started. It turned out that he had always been interested in film and for this reason he had a camera with him one particular afternoon. He had also taken to listening to radio communications from the fire, police and ambulance services, following them to their destinations and often filming if the situation was sufficiently interesting.

But there was a major drawback. When he tried to sell the resulting clips to his local station he ran into union problems, and even though the piece was excellent, they couldn’t use it. Selwyn didn’t give up and found a loophole. He discovered that as long as the material he was offering was in the category of ‘Breaking News’, that is, it wasn’t anything there had been prior notice of, and, he offered it to every station in Manhattan, he was in. The TV stations couldn’t have people monitoring the emergency services and have a film crew on standby because it would be just too costly. Selwyn soon had his own team covering every gruesome incident in the city and had footage of all kinds of horrors that were way too much for TV but had a value elsewhere; like a severed head in the middle of the road and a body impaled on railings after a suicide leap. That’s where the name came from. Selwyn Levy’s business became known as ‘The Bad News Boys’, which, over time became ‘Action Movie News’ who continued to feed the New York media for many years.

Today the world has become used to everything being even more immediate. We expect to be right in the middle of wars, earthquakes and other disasters on our screens, as they’re happening. CNN has its ‘I reporters’ from around the world, user generated stories that can be anything from deadly serious to highly amusing, ordinary people sharing, discussing and voicing their opinions. We’re used to seeing clips from mobile phones of newsworthy events. We’re part of the ‘Instant’ generation.

Partly as a result of this, a new company, Demotix, was born and offers a real opportunity for anyone with the desire to showcase their abilities as reporters using stills, video and written reports. Not just in a one off situation, but to become part of a global team with the opportunity to showcase work and make money through syndication. ‘Demotix’, the name is described by the company themselves as, Named after Demotic, the form of writing used and most easily understood by the man in the Alexandrian street in 200 BC. The word ‘demotic’, meaning ‘of the people’, is still used to refer to the language of the people; today, it describes the modern language spoken by everyday Greeks. In choosing a new name for the company, we were inspired by this ancient language. Our aim is to open up journalism to the people in the modern age, just as the demotic script opened up writing in ancient Egypt. The community is presently numbered at fifteen hundred (And growing) from a hundred and ninety countries around the world. Turi Munthe is the Swedish/English CEO and founder, is based in London. Turi proudly states, “Together, we have won and been nominated for awards all over the world; have placed your images on the front pages of the New York Times , WSJ, Guardian and elsewhere, as well as CNN, NBC and the BBC; have licensed your stories to literally 100s of sites and news organisations around the globe; AP, Reuters, EPA and many others have distributed our content around the world; and we have agreements in place with resellers from Australia to Argentina.

As a means to become part of the global community of reporters and writers helping to keep democracy alive, this has to one of the best opportunities I’ve ever seen. We are indeed witnessing the rise of the ‘Citizen Journalist’.

Author Bio: link text

Category: Society
Keywords: photography,journalism,freedom,speech,film,report,television,reporter,media,writer

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