The Rules of Graphic Design Art

The art of graphic design involves the combination of the basic visual elements to create a simple vision that can relay a message to its audience. The four most important elements used in creating a graphic design are: type, images, colour, and the lines.


The type is the text placed on the visual design to help the picture be more effective in communicating its idea. In determining the type of font to be used, simplicity and clarity should always be the main rules that must be followed. Using fancy typefaces is not recommended because graphic designs are usually seen by the audience in a very short time so they should be easily read. The spacing between the letters, their alignments, and sizes must also be right. Letters which are too close to each other may be too hard to read while those which are too far from each other may create too many white spaces on the design.


Images used in graphic designs, on the other hand, can either be hand-drawn art, and computer-generated illustrations or actual pictures. These aspects are considered the most important elements of a graphic design because an image can make or break the effectiveness of the whole visual. In choosing the images to be used, selecting a picture which can tell clearly everything about the message is important. Graphic designs are meant to be composed of few elements only because having too many may just clutter the whole visual and make the picture hard to understand.


The colour is also an important element in creating graphic designs because just like images, they also create the mood that contributes to the overall message of the visual. A maximum of three colours and a minimum of two is the preferred range to use in visual designs. The effectiveness of the colours is dependent on how a graphic artist can mix and contrast them. Using dark backgrounds and light foregrounds is effective in adding contrast to the picture. However, the contrasting colours should be close or adjacent to each other in the colour wheel to make sure that they complement their hues. For example, a red background and a pink foreground may be too hot and unpleasing to the eyes because of their clashing hues. Examples of good colour mixes are yellow and brown, red and blue, and green and blue.


One other element helpful in graphic design is the lines. This visual factor is used in directing the eye of the viewer, dividing space, and creating forms in the picture. In the simplest level, straight lines are used to separate content and are commonly used in newspapers, magazines, and website content. Other types of lines like dotted, curves, and zigzag are commonly used in graphic designs for product logos or road signs. These types of lines are also the basis in making complicated graphics and illustrations. In using lines in a graphic design, their width, position, and texture should match the other elements in the overall picture. Thick lines are usually used for cartoon graphic designs while thin lines are fit for more formal visual designs like company emblems and product logos.

Author Bio: design studio Manchester web design Manchester

Category: Computers and Technology

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