Playing the Cornhole Game With Kids and Adults

The cornhole game is one of activities that adults can play with their kids and keep it fair. It’s not often that we find an outdoor activity or game that can not only be enjoyed by both children and adults, but that can also be won, or lost, by adults and children. This is an amazing thing when you think about it and cornhole is perfect for so many reasons.

Compare Cornhole to Horseshoes

Almost everyone knows the game of horseshoes, whether they have played it or not. Horseshoes is a game where playing toss heavy metal horseshoes down toward a steel rod in the ground. The object is to ‘ring’ the horseshoe around the rod or at least get them as close to the rod as possible. While this could be fun for kids as well as adults, the sheer weight of the horseshoes means that younger children will have trouble handling it, let alone tossing it. That’s most likely why more adults play horseshoes with other adults than you might find at a family get-together.

On the other hand, cornhole -which is played with similar rules and scoring- can be played by anyone, kids and adults alike. The bean bags that are used in the game are light enough and easy enough to handle that kids of all ages can get used to and master tossing them. Cornhole bags are also soft, so that they can’t hurt a young child if they are thrown in the wrong direction, or if someone happens to run into its path.

Many Ways to Keep it Fair

There are many different ways to keep a game of cornhole between kids and adults fair. Perhaps the easiest of all is the distance from the cornhole boards that one stands to toss their bean bags. Adults should stand farther away and allow kids to get up as close as they need. Younger children will have a challenge to simply keep the bean bag on the cornhole boards. Don’t try to offer them strategies for angle or arc of their throw: just move them close enough so they have the best chances of success.

Sometimes, it can be fun, not only for them but for the adults as well, to have them stand between the two cornhole boards when adults are tossing their bean bags. They can wave their arms, jump up and down to try and grab the bags out of the air, or simply block your view of the target. This can certainly open up a wealth of laughter for both the children as well as the adults.

Perhaps the best thing about the cornhole game is that it is versatile, easy to learn, and adaptable for any age, skill set, or strength. There’s no limit to the teams or pairings that you can make. You can have an ‘all children versus all adult’ teams and that can bring a lot of interesting plays, and rules to the activities. The most important thing, however, is to make sure that you have fun.

Author Bio: Dave Roth runs the site, a resource site devoted to the game of corntoss. The site features rules, building dimensions, and cornhole boards and bags.

Category: Sports
Keywords: family games, fun games

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