San Diego Personal Trainer – Avoiding Weight Loss Mistakes

As a San Diego Personal Trainer, I have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of people, helping them lose fat, tone up and get into amazing shape. And I have seen many people make the same mistakes over and over again. I will be very honest with you. Losing weight and keeping it off is not that difficult, if you know what you are doing. That is the main problem. Most people have no clue what the right method is to lose weight and get into shape.

Working with many of my San Diego Personal Training clients, I have seen most of them make the same mistakes over and over. And I want to make sure you don’t make these same mistakes. Here are some of the biggest mistakes that I see people make time and time again.

First, most people just cut their calories way too low. This is harmful. Once your calories are too low, your body thinks it’s starving and shuts down. It automatically will slow down your metabolism, going into survival mode, making it much more difficult to lose weight and get into shape. Don’t do this.

Second, many people skip breakfast. This is a very bad idea. Again, ommitting your breakfast will only slow down your metabolism. Also, research has shown that people who skip breakfast tend to eat more junk food throughout the day. Make sure you eat a healthy and big breakfast. Breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, consisting of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.

The third biggest mistake I see people make, including my San Diego Personal Trainer clients, is cutting out their intakes of carbohydrates. This became very popular due to the Atkins diet. But, this is a very misleading and dangerous program. First, cutting out all your carbs is the last thing you want to do. You won’t have any energy. Plus, taking out your carbs is eventually going to have you burning up your valuable calorie burning muscle. In addition, low carb diets are very acidic, creating an environment in your body where you can get sick very easily.

Ok, so what do you do to lose weight? You want to eat a balanced and healthy diet that has healthy fats, carbs and proteins. You want to eat 5 to 6 small healthy meals. That is what I tell my San Diego Personal Training clients.

You also want to stay away from processed foods. Processed foods are foods that have been chemically altered, such as baked goods, foods with pesticides and hormones. Your raw and natural foods can be found in the perimeter of the store.

I have been a San Diego Personal Trainer for 17 years, and these simple nutrition tips have helped my Personal Fitness Training clients greatly to burn fat, tone up and get into amazing shape. Remember , you must do two things in order to lose weight and get into fit and healthy weight. You must exercise and you must eat right. Simple. Take it from a San Diego Personal Trainer.

Author Bio: Finding the right San Diego Personal Training Program will go a long in helping you get into killer shape. Once you start working with your Personal Trainer you will be amazed on how fast you get into great shape.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer San Diego, Personal Training San Diego, Personal Trainer, Personal Training

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