HIV Online Dating Tips – Turn Your Mediocre Profile Into Pure Gold

When creating your HIV online dating profile it is a good idea to take into account what you are aiming to accomplish. Your dating profile is your advertisement to the other members of the HIV online dating site. It is in fact selling you to them by illustrating the wonderful, fun and exciting person you are. And it has an end aim of resulting in those who read your profile wanting to know more about you.

As a member of a HIV online dating site it is inevitable that your profile will be competing with a large number of other HIV online dating profiles. For this reason it is absolutely crucial that you ensure your profile is alluring, intriguing and grabs hold of the reader’s attention quickly. These steps will give you extra advantage over the other mainstream profiles on the HIV online dating site.

Step 1: Look up Your Competition!

This step is fun as well as highly useful. First of all log into your HIV online dating site and once there commence browsing through your competition’s profiles. You are looking for profiles which are different from the main, ones which grab and hold your attention. The point here is, if any particular profile catches your attention it most likely will catch other members as well.

Once you have located an interesting profile, it is a good idea to read it through carefully, in order to establish what makes it more appealing than the normal run of the mill profile. Once you have located a part of the profile that makes it different ask yourself the following question: ‘Is there any way I can reword this information so that it reflects my life and circumstances?’ If the answer is yes then re-write the idea into your own words using your own style of writing. Never copy parts of someone else’s profile. It is fine to use their ideas as long as they are altered to suit your life and rewritten in your words.

Now repeat the process until you have found a handful of attention grabbing ideas, all written in your words describing you and your life.

Step 2: Tell the Reader About Yourself!

You have two choices here, either begin writing your profile and then drop into it the attention grabbing ideas you found from step 1. Or take one of the points from step 1 and begin writing around this. Either way you must make your writing personal. This is a HIV online dating profile which should be a personal document. Therefore you need to ensure you include plenty of personal information and make sure that it sizzles with personality. Readers should be able to determine whether you are a thrill seeker, a shy individual, an intellectual or whatever, by reading what you say about yourself.

Include the things you like and dislike, tell readers all about the personal side of you, how you spend your free time, even how you would prefer to spend your time! Remember to slot in the great ideas you reworded in step 1. Having read a lot of other profiles in step 1, you already have a good idea as to what you find boring and interesting, so ensure you include some of these interesting points also.

Never make the error of considering yourself boring, in fact the majority of us live our lives in a routine manner, however this does not make us boring. Instead jazz up your descriptions to make them sound interesting or even leave things unsaid or half finished. This way people will have to communicate with you in order to find out more, which is the whole point of writing your profile to begin with. However never ever be tempted to tell lies. People will soon see through them and the whole point of a HIV online dating profile is to get to know real people. Instead use your creativity to tell something in a different way.

I know a gentleman who wrote in a dating profile that he ‘worked outside in freezing temperatures whilst in the fresh air of sunny London, working with exotic foods from over twenty five tropical countries.’ Can you guess what he does for a living from his description?

Well a lot of other members could not either, so they contacted him. His way of writing the fact that he worked for a large supermarket loading cold foodstuff onto refrigerated lorries was better than actually saying it. By using a little mystery he managed to intrigue readers and get himself a lot of responses.

Step 3: Crisp Short Sentences!

After completing your first HIV online dating profile draft you need to read it out loud to yourself. The reason for this is that you only have a few seconds in order to catch reader’s attention, otherwise they will click away and read the next profile. By reading out loud what you have written you can more easily determine if your copy needs to be modified. Therefore as you read, consider what you have written, are the descriptions long winded? Have you used complicated wording and abbreviations that may put some readers off?

Just tweak the copy when you find something wrong. Cut long descriptions, replace abbreviations and complicated words, rewrite boring parts and create a little intrigue. Go back to step 1 if necessary and find some more ideas to liven your copy up. Remove any part of the profile that fails to add something positive. Ensure you have a crisp snappy profile which effectively highlights your true character.

Step 4: Upload a Photo!

Now put a face to your HIV online dating profile by uploading a decent photograph of yourself. By doing this you will attract a much better response rate, than if you just uploading your profile without one. Readers do like to know who they are conversing with.

Hence try to ensure that the picture used is of you in close up. It should be of good quality, and shows you on your own, no group photos allowed. You do not want people asking you if you are the good looking one on the right when you are the one in the middle! Then to get people talking, you could add a picture taken of you where you are doing something really interesting and fun.

Step 5: Revise!

This is the step the majority of HIV online dating site members avoid. They upload their profile and photo and then forget all about them. Nevertheless by returning and sprucing up your profile you in fact gain additional chances of others reading it. By including new things you have recently seen, done, visited, books read etc. you illustrate to others that you are a constantly active person.

Regular updating also illustrates to other members of the HIV online dating site that you are still an active member of the site. It keeps things current and will keep interest in you alive. Also your profile could now appeal to members who did not find it so first time round. Hence this task can end up getting you a second or third chance to attract reader’s attention.

By taking a little time to put these steps into action, you will end up with a profile which will bring you a good deal of attention on the HIV online dating site. By ensuring your profile provides a good account of the sort of person you are and emits your personality, you will gain a sound head start over the bulk of the other competing members.

Author Bio: This article is contributed by Alison Pullen from the HIVMatch Publishing Team. She works together with founders Richard and Nigel and writes dating/relationship articles. You can find more about HIV Support and HIVMatch by visiting their website.

Category: Dating
Keywords: HIV online dating,HIV online dating site,HIV dating site,

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