How to Manage Your Weight the Right Way?

Once you begin to lose weight it is very important to keep it off. You can easily relapse into old habits causing you to eat like you use to. Being able to manage your weight is just as important as losing it. There are weight management programs out there that help you in more ways than you could imagine. These programs teach you about proper nutrition and healthy living. Many Americans find it rather easy to lose weight but find it very difficult to stay slim. Proper exercise and nutrition combined with a weight management program will keep you in check. The second you stop maintaining your weight you begin to go into a relapse. This relapse triggers old habits and you may end up weighing more than you originally started. Soon after you may think to yourself that it is impossible for you to keep the weight off. This is not the case because many people just lose pounds to look and feel good. But they are doing nothing to maintain their weight as to not gain anymore. The point of this article is to gain a mindset that once you begin losing weight, you cannot allow it to come back.

Begin changing your lifestyle by making the right decisions to eat healthy and take control of your health. Eating too much obviously leads to weight gain, but being able to control the urge to over-eating is the key. There are web sites that offer their review on various diet plans, as well as eating challenges, nutrients, getting fit, and much more. I find sites like this to be very useful to gain a better insight on managing weight and knowing the do’s and don’ts of healthy living. Look for sites that have tools for knowing your Body Mass Index. Knowing your BMI is important because it tells you if you are overweight, underweight, or right where you should be. There are BMI charts all over the internet that contain the information needed to know if you are in a healthy weight category. It calculates where you should be based on your height and current weight. Take a look at the chart below and you can get an idea of where you stand from a BMI perspective.

There are some simple tips to help you get on the right path of managing your weight. For example, chewing more and eating slower is a great start. The average person eats their meal in about 7 to 9 minutes. The problem is that by doing this we are throwing off our digestive system because it has to work twice as hard to process the food. We need to take twice the amount of time to eat, about 18 minutes, to finish a meal. Quit buying foods like cakes and pies that you love to indulge in. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your favorite desserts but only in moderation. Instead of having two servings you should only have one. When the desire to snack comes around try eating fruit or vegetables. It is always good to have these items on hand for such an occasion. Also, when people get bored they tend to eat too. Post notes on your fridge reminding you to stay healthy and not over-eat. These are a few steps in beginning to maintain your weight. The point here is to slowly get out of your constant crave for food. I once read somewhere about how people eat when their stomach makes those distinctive gurgle noises. Well, this may not always be the case. When your stomach gurgles to remind you to eat, stop and think for a second when you ate last. Think about when, what, and how much you ate. I’ve learned that you may not be hungry, but rather thirsty. Try drinking a glass of water or two to see if it calms your stomach. You would be quite surprised to see this may actually be the case. I did this a lot when I was trying to slim down a few pounds and it really worked. Your body needs more water than it does food so giving this a try is a good option.

Managing weight all comes down to proper planning and will power. If you are able to lose weight, then you are able to maintain it. Think about maintaining a healthy weight for yourself. You are doing this for yourself because you have to live with it. As I said before there are sites online, many for free, that will set up a weight management program for you based on the information you enter. Learning to manage your weight will make you feel great about yourself and what you have accomplished. Be strong and do not let the temptation of food put your health at risk.

Author Bio: Bill Perkins has knowledge and a strong interest in the field of weight loss and proper nutrition. His current website consists of weight loss program reviews, proper ways to diet, and much more. Weight Loss and Nutrition Secrets

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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