Knowing the Facts About Disability

The truth about disability is something that a lot of people are unable to get when they are looking for accurate facts. This is due to the fact that many times a person is not fully informed as to the different types of disabilities there are. This lack of information is a great problem for many people when it comes to the subject.

One type of disability that many people are afflicted with is physical, this is the largest category of a disability. There are several degrees upon which a physical disability can affect a person. The most common of these is one that affects a person’s mobility.

When a person is unable to move freely without a lot of effort or the use of assistive devices the person fits this category. In this case they are declared disabled and are able to file for disability to help pay for their living expenses.

Physical limitations are the biggest reason that a person files for disability in the first place. Many times it does not even have to be their mobility that is affected in order to keep a person from being able to fully function. There is such a thing as an eye and ear disability (also called sensory awareness disability) that can limit a person from enjoying all that the world has to offer.

Another type of disability that has an impact on a person life is mental disability. This is a subject that has at times created a lot of controversy as to what does and does not constitute as a person being mentally disabled. The main accepted definition is one that keeps a person from being able to function as an active member of society. These people are at times limited in living a successful life.

When a person is mentally disabled, many times they have a hard time fitting in with the rest of the world. This may be due to a learning or social handicap that affects a person. Many people that are a “little slow” in the world are quickly thrown into this category and made to feel like they are different somehow.

There is hope for those people that were once held back in their life. They are able to more freely be a part of the world that is around them. There have been a lot of medical advancements that allow a person to live a more free life.

These advancements have helped people live a more active life and allowed them to feel like they are not as different as society has made them feel during their life. As time goes on there will be an increase in the amount of advancements that will allow a person to live more freely. Perhaps one day we may see a world without disabilities altogether.

Many people feel that them being disabled is something that has and will continue to hold them back. This does not have to be the case and a lot of times if they are willing to do a little research then they will be able to find ways to still be active in the world around them.

Author Bio: Brent McNutt enjoys networking with healthcare professionals online. He also likes talking about Urbane Scrubs and Landau Shoes and also likes writing articles about various topics.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: disability,physical disability,mental disability

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