Bleaching Trays the Hidden Truths

When your local Dentist is recommending a teeth whitening treatment why would you question their judgement when they suggest the bleaching trays are the best solution well here we challenge some of the day to day practical issues surrounding this method.

There is little doubt the bleaching trays do work and that they whiten the teeth but what comes with them is a very high percentage of people who effectively fail the treatment and do not complete the program and this is what this article is discussing.

Soaking the teeth every night will always produce results and the good news about the bleaching trays is that after the initial program you own the trays to be able to allow you to maintain the smile in the future. Maybe using them every three to four months will keep the teeth bright and looking healthy. This regular approach avoids the yo-yo whitening effect where the teeth are white and then re-stain and so on but keeps them white all year round.

Truth number 1 about Bleaching trays – The lost sleep!
When the dentists tells you have to sleep in the trays you think nothing of it and it is no until you try using them you realise your sleep pattern is actually effected as we are not used to placing something in our mouth whilst sleeping. Once this lost sleep has been established then people stop using the bleaching trays because even though they really want white teeth they also want their sleep for the next two weeks. So this is reason number one why the trays have a high failure rate.

Truth number 2 about bleaching trays – Disciplined approach
When we think about doing something every day for fourteen days it sounds easy but sometimes life simply gets in the way. Let us imagine we go out for a meal and get home very tired and forget to place the bleaching trays in the mouth then the results are muted because of the interrupted usage and because the bleaching trays process is an accumulative one it is necessary to be very disciplined for it to work to their full ability.

Truth number 3 about bleaching trays – Build up of sensitive teeth
Because the pores of the enamel are exposed to the peroxide based gel every day for fourteen days then in many cases you can get a build up of sensitivity in the teeth. This typically happens after day six or seven and just at the point when the teeth are starting to get whiter in colour. At this point the pain of sensitivity prevents people from continuing with using the trays and therefore another reason the system or program fails.

Truth number 4 about bleaching trays – No staining components in the mouth for 14 days!Ok so you managed to overcome the first three hurdles but really when using the trays you should avoid anything that is going to re-stain the teeth like giving up smoking, tea, coffee, curries, red wine and just about anything with colours in them. Yeah right this is impossible to give up. The trouble is that if you don’t then the teeth will re-stain and what you take out of the teeth in the evening you are putting right back in during the day negating the benefits!

Author Bio: See more about Teeth whitening Luton or check out laser whitening Barnet lots of information to review!

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: teeth whitening business,professional teeth whitening,professional teeth,teeth whitening system

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