Tips on What Different Mediums Can Offer – From Spiritualist Churches to Phone Mediums

To the uninitiated, a medium phone reading may be the last resort when looking for a connection to loved ones in the afterlife. In fact, the modern day movement of mediumship finds its roots firmly tethered with not only face to face mediumship readings, but also phone medium readings. The other way to experience mediumship that has long been established but can sometimes be shrouded in mystery, is the great serving of the nationwide spiritualist churches, where privacy is traded for a community minded, low cost entry for participation in a service, often only costing a couple of pounds (and that sometimes includes free tea). The meetings may be tagged as a ‘divine service’ or an evening of clairvoyance, not to be confused of course with a psychic evening as true clairvoyance is the essence of spirit communication and bringing forth that information in the correct, un-muddied and pure form.

The UK spiritualist movement began over 100 years ago and in the UK is known as the SNU, boasting some 340 churches and societies who share the great spiritual principles, one of which is ‘the continued existence of the human soul’, this is the very foundation that then filters down to the existence of those who stand on platform at these premises and events and channel through those souls who have continued to exist – as indeed we will all continue to exist following physical death and the end – this time – of our experience on the mortal plain.

I have witnessed many platform mediumship services with varying results. Some mediums are pointed clearly to the message recipients and the evidence brought forward is so precise and defined that even the most cynical mind cannot fail to understand the truth that is emerging. Platform mediums for the spiritualist church often work without pay or a fee, they do this for the love of mankind and to serve, help and bring comfort to those in their hour of need. They do not channel to entertain, like some commercial mediums, rather, they do so to provide a service to humanity. Many often work within the healthcare service, or some other career that correlates with ‘people aid’, including counselling and psychiatric support. For those that do not mind others hearing intimate details of the messages channelled for them, then this is a low cost entry & a life changing experience.

For those that prefer a little more privacy, then the options of face to face readings or phone mediumship remain. The first offers a more intimate experience with a one on one sitting with a channel or medium, with the sole purpose of gaining evidential information and also communicating with their dearly departed. This is a very potent way of experiencing mediumship but one may be confined due to Geography & travelling.

This is where the illuminating array of phone mediums come into play. Here one has the option of close inspection, choice and discussion prior to any monetary outlay. The added convenience of the telephone as the communication tool, with which yes an absolutely strong connection can be made, adds to its effectiveness and convenience. The sitter does not even have to leave their armchair to gain an instant connection to loved ones lost.

Author Bio: Rachel Saxon writes for the metaphysical industry and is a Reiki Master. Highly Recommended Clairvoyants Also Mediums And Psychics

Category: Society
Keywords: psychics, psychic mediums, mediums, psychic reading, online psychics, psychic, medium reading,

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