Common Lawn Mower Repair Solutions

A lawn mower is a vital machine in the spring and summer when your grass is growing like crazy. And if you run into problems, the cost of a new machine makes it painful to go out and buy another. Luckily, replacing your lawn mower isn’t the only solution available. You can fix most of the problems yourself and save a bundle of money in the process. Here’s a basic troubleshooting guide to common obstacles.

If you take your mower out of the garage Tadacip for the first cut of the season and find it won’t start, you might have forgotten to drain the gas. If that’s the case, the gasoline has probably gone bad. You can double check it by pouring in a little bit of new gas or squirting some carburetor cleaner into the tank.

If the gas makes a popping sound, then it is indeed too old. Drain it, and refill the tank with new gas. Add some dry gas as well; this removes any water and preserves the new gasoline.

If the mower does start but seems to be running abnormally and eventually generic cialis 10mg stops Levitra (or if it is just very hard to start), the engine may not have enough air. Change or clean the air filter. To clean it, submerge the filter in a bucket of hot water and dish washing detergent. Wipe off the motor oil, and wring it out. Add more oil to the filter, and wring it out again. Let it dry, then replace it in the lawn mower. While you’re at it, check the spark plug to make sure it wasn’t damaged by the dirty filter. A fouled spark plug may be another reason your lawn mower won’t start. In addition to dirty air filters, maladjusted carburetors or burning oil can pollute the spark plug. You can clean the spark plug by gently sanding the bridged area; if it’s really bad, just throw it away, and buy a new one.

Finally, if your lawn mower jerks violently when you start it (or if it won’t start at all), it may be that you hit something and broke a blade. Check the blades and shaft to see if they are in good condition. If a blade is broken, you’ll just need to know the manufacturer and model of your mower to buy a new one.

Replacing or cleaning a couple of lawn mower parts is far less expensive than buying a new mower altogether. Try these solutions first before you fork out the money for a new machine.

Author Bio: ( offers the best in lawnmower parts.

Category: Business
Keywords: lawnmower parts, turf equipment, zero turn lawn mowers

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