Use a File Renamer to Make Your Business More Productive and Profitable

Being self-employed, you probably waste a lot of time on the little things. How many times have you spent a lot of time searching for a file that you saved somewhere on your computer? While it may be just a minor inconvenience happening once, if this happens repeatedly you are losing a lot of time. Hours of business time may be wasted if you really took the time to add up each instance of spending a few minutes searching for a file. Those are lost hours where you can’t make money for your business because of your disorganization.

For many, the realization that they have an organization problem hasn’t hit because everything is in their computer. At a glance, everything looks fine since it’s all inside the computer. You don’t have stacks of papers and files all over your desk. Isn’t it all nice and neat inside the computer box? However, every time you need a file and have to search for it you remember the problem.

The best solution is to organize your computer so you stop wasting that time and money searching for things. A batch file renamer program is a priority when it comes to organization. Organization of your computer is easy with this kind of program.

Using names that include categories makes sense to sorting your files. As soon as you do this, sorting through files will be very simple as the category name will be easy to see.

If you did this the old-fashioned way, changing filenames one at a time, this could take hours to complete on your computer. But, with a program that will batch rename files it’s not so bad. You can highlight all of the similar files and tell the program to rename them. It will then sequentially name and number them in order in one shot.

Many people like to use a folder name in the title of their files. So if you have a sales letter folder on your computer, you can change all of the filenames within that folder to begin with the words “sales letter” to make them more easy to spot. They can all be changed instantly with a renamer program. If you change your mind on what you want files to be called later, a good file renamer program will offer a find and replace text function.

An extra function to look out for is the ability to take the created or modified dates from the file and include them in the new name, but maybe in a different format. This is a good way of ‘locking in’ the date stamp for a file so that even if backup and restore operations ruin the meaning of the file’s dates, the name will still hold useful information. You might think that this is unnecessary – but just wait until you’ve restored thousands of important files and realised critical information about them is now wrong!

No longer is spring cleaning just something you do on your office desk but also on your computer. By using rename programs the spring cleaning and organization process is made much easier and you can go back to making money.

Author Bio: I’m the founder of Ulfwood Ltd., a company that is committed to making life a little easier for you by providing file utilities that save time and energy, such as our file renamer RenameMaestro, which is an easy way to rename files on your computer. You can rename 1 million files at once!

Category: Business
Keywords: file renamer, rename, rename files, renamer, batch rename

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