Chinese Jewelry Brand Tactics

Mainland Jewelry Market Structure

Enlightenment common industries developing and evolving gradually mature, the phasing out of the four regular stages of development. At present, China jewelry industry is gradually maturing stage, is manifested by a number of jewelry companies build a systematic brand operating system, enter the brand competition stage.

In particular, more and more investors into the jewelry trades, and even earlier have not been concerned about the crystal ornaments are involved, use of market segmentation model and conquer new markets. Jewelry business to win market operations, through economies of scale necessary to enhance their market competitiveness, this decision the jewelry from a simple operator Bixu the “gold shop custom”, “batch Jing Ying” Zhuan Bian Wei to “syndicated scale” development, or they can not effectively absorb a wider range of consumer customers.

Jewelry is between the goods and money between the special items, their prices and profits are the political, social factors such as the Bo Dong Jing Ji impact, but Zai under the brand’s appeal and capital Yunzuo Tixizuizhong be formed, will be You Xiao Fengxian Pinpaitouzi control. Means of the previous single “quality trust” or “Honest” is no longer the only condition to meet the consumer market. Jewelry products must carry an emotion, desire, and to meet the special factors, it is socio-economic development, the development of consumer culture, fashion and cultural development of the inevitable result.

Operators for jewelry, jewelry only goods, but for customers, the jewelry in the jewelry the same time as carrying the “currency hedge” effect. Jewelry commodity attribute determines its “preservation of,” it only relies on the strength of the brand to promote.

In the current stage of the competition, “big fish” and “fish” has the same opportunity to compete, because the pack are spared from war to the development of the industry has brought instability, market entry threshold is low, “big fish” if a lack of self- early warning and the prophet, first capacity, it quickly dies, and the “small fish” with mobile flexibility, if the power of using foreign capital, they will take the opportunity to grow. Moreover, the jewelry industry will soon enter the Mainland market reshuffle time, competition will become increasingly clear pattern of division, the market share between brands, the terminal network capacity, profitability is bound to a large distance space.

The Market has Doubled as a Strategic Goal Quickly

Mainland brand jewelry industry competition disorder, need to have a core group of brands competing to harmonization of norms and guide the market. Thus, resulting in an absolute brand leadership group is necessary in order to facilitate the blind consumption of evolution jewelry brand targeted consumer. Zhou Dasheng jewelry over a long period of accumulation, should be a leading jewelry brand in the important group of brands.

Present for Zhou Dasheng jewelry brand, the positive attitude it should take the initiative to “offensive” to “speed war” means to consolidate their market position. Any trade, business is only a “first” to long-term stability, this is one of the important rules of business competition. Although Zhou Dasheng jewelry sit in the mainland market has been the market share, the first volume of the terminal outlets or number two, but the basis of brand strength in terms of market share and volume of the terminal network is a temporary competitive performance, not is the absolute success factor in the brand, because of the vitality, defense focus more on strong brands in the consolidated index.

Especially in a state of cohabitation of the spared from war, a strong brand advantage rather than increasing market multiplier effect results, including the channel’s rapid replication, the terminal capacity to network the Internet to promote and market access to maximize profits. Then, Zhou Dasheng jewelry brand how “offensive” and “speed war” to the market quickly double purpose?

Mainland jewelry industry on the current view of market competition, can be divided into two categories, namely large-scale participation of the brand and follow the brand. The former grew up most of the early brands, such as Zhou Taisheng, Chow Tai Fook, Chow Sang Sang, TSL, Old Phoenix, the old temple and cutting-edge brand TESIRO psychic and so on, these brands with a forward thinking, that is, channel up, and the relative emphasis on fine channels and terminal operation; and most of the new brand was the use of reverse thinking, that channel sink, because the jewelry industry has developed to a certain scale, with some barriers of trade, so only through the new market niche brand In other words, through the construction of low-end channels, the completion point of the terminal shop.

But no matter what channel brand jewelery line and develop the market competition, the first camp of the brand is bound to lead towards the fine jewelry industry, the direction of the operation, while first-tier cities based on the limited channels and business district and the second and third tier cities in large market space, they will strive to channel sink, staking their claims.

Zhou Dasheng jewelry brand how to do channel sink, then started taking? I think that, first, pay close attention to national jewelry brand. By Chow Tai Fook, Chow Sang Sang, Luk Fook, Old Phoenix, Xie Ruiqi as the representative of the brand, though different in key areas, but they will bring strong pressure to Zhoutai Sheng, Zhou Dasheng particular focus should be CTF as a precautionary. Therefore, Zhou Dasheng branded channels in its lateral work, we must strengthen the effectiveness of first-line marketing channels, including front office and even the edge of the city business district achieve rational planning and control, as quickly as possible to seize the first-line market gap.

At the same time, Zhou Dasheng to pay close attention to the rise of regional brands. As has a solid market base and brand development background Zhou Taisheng, really need to “attack and speed war” is actually the second and third tier markets. Brand survival in the most cluttered room for the second and third line market, Zhou Dasheng should “squeeze” ways and means to occupy the second and third line of the market gap, eroding the brand clutter market.

Compete for Customer Mind

Really good brand or brands are industry leaders with the ability to resist market risk and long-term vitality of the brand, because they occupy through long-term market behavior and control of the “customer mind.” Zhou Dasheng Jewelry Brand To achieve an “attack and speed battle” and “double size of the market” strategic objective must be to fight a mental battle the brand! Mind, that thought, or idea.

Once the formation of mental brand, customer brand recognition will be deep-rooted, especially as the industry leading brand, even if competitive products through a variety of market behavior to guide or try to change, very difficult to completely shake this type of customer mind.So, the mainland’s jewelry market, the existence of such a strong intellectual content of the brand? Yes! For example, Cartier, Tiffany, ENZO, Vatican grams? Arts, Harry? Winston, Bulgari, Oukesaite, Boucheron, Swarovski brands. They become a strong brand, not because they are luxury goods in the field of art, but because they have a unique charm, has long been planted in the minds of customers deeply rooted tree of mind.

The use of marketing tactics, the Zhou Dasheng localized mode can be quickly set up channels and laying network, but the use of tactics in mind the brand, the Zhou Dasheng should Cartier, Tiffany wait until the international brand as a role model. Moreover, in a few years, such as Cartier, Swarovski, Boucheron and so doomed to sink through the channels or use of mental means to snatch Zhou Dasheng core customers, the most direct competitor.

Some domestic brand jewelry brand also want to grow the tree of mind, but face reality, they pay more attention to the task enclosure, forgotten or ignored the importance of brand mind, even with posters, terminals, television and other advertising creative tool, its purpose is simply to enclosure, not Seiko secret agents to carry out relevant work, and transfer the brand has a unique charm and spirit of continuity.

Brand Aspirations and Brand Differentiation

Zhou Dasheng jewelry brands from the competition and related products based on brand communications, is this “quality trust” and “quality assurance” is the most core elements of the integration of communication and to attract customers to the core symbols, even if the domestic jewelry brands using the “eternal” spread the concept of or conventional media promotion and self-advertised, but it is simply to enclose and enhance brand awareness.

Therefore, one can imagine that in the future competitive market context, “quality trust” and “quality assurance” will not support the development of a strong brand jewelry, jewelry bearing the brand needs more value-added to improve the structural integrity of the brand . Currently, TSL Luk Fook, Chow Sang Sang and so failed to achieve an effective brand differentiation, but the Chow Tai Fook is the field of mind to accomplish something in the brand, which in its long-term accumulation of brands, including its products, services innovation and breakthroughs, as well as effectively create a brand culture, brand spirit.

At present, the “quality of trust” and “honesty” is the brand most of the demands of jewelry has become a common symbol, can not own any jewelry brand owners. Only way to implement a progressive and transportation a unique brand of ideological, Zhou Dasheng can really be separated with competitive products to help customers accurately make jewelry brand consumer choices. I think that Zhou Dasheng jewelry if you want to do branding, segmentation must be accurate, but not general trouble.

Since the formation of branding and brand building occupied customers mind as the goal, Zhou Dasheng present and future must be considered the core of customer orientation, the formation of positioning segment, and then spread through vector transmission precision, locking their customer groups. Do not be accurate segmentation, part of the old fear of losing customers because of the old customers, they want fresh Zhou Dasheng emerging power of the brand, showing a more perfect brand image.

In addition, Zhou Dasheng need to do through the “people” article. In fact, everyone has the desire exposed and not exposed, exposed the contents belong to the mainstream show, but for those who discover strange and not good at it, hidden in the human heart desires the most difficult to find. How to tap hidden deep inside the human desire to create a unique spiritual atmosphere, the brand managers made very high demands.

Of course, in the same competitive environment, will appear in the brand appeals to some extent homogeneous. However, I believe that the current infighting warlords domestic jewelry industry, the brand positioning of the mining space is great. Once the branding, the core, Zhou Dasheng brand concept and brand personality charm of structural elements would naturally formed, thereby affecting the establishment of Zhou Dasheng jewelry design, integrated communication system, terminal building and image building.

Zhou Dasheng jewelry present stage of its brand image correction system and reform is inevitable, including the VIS system and the SI-based system modification and upgrade, select “high quality” communication channel, and only in the formation of a unique branding proposition of the premise Next to do in-depth segments to gradually raise the value of the brand Zhou Taisheng, implicit promotion of the value of their products.

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Category: Business
Keywords: jewelry necklace holder,sterling jewelry findings,beaded jewelry wire,

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