Is it Possible to Defend Yourself Against a Knife?

Being confronted by an attacker wielding a knife is perhaps every woman’s worst nightmare. In fact, anyone should feel threatened by this scenario, no matter how big or strong you consider yourself. The thought of being cut or stabbed is simply terrifying.

Is it ever possible to defend yourself in this scenario? While it is possible to escape unharmed, you will have to act quickly, ideally even before the assailant pulls out the knife. The best defense is avoiding the situation in the first place. Your best defense against an armed attacker is avoidance. Pay attention to your surroundings no matter where you are, whether in a crowded shopping mall or the deserted parking lot outside. If you’re not paying attention, the attacker could grab you from behind and have a knife at your throat before you even realize you are in danger.

If you are being attacked by someone holding a knife, the worst thing you can do is run. If you turn your back on the knife-wielding attacker, you have left your whole backside completely unprotected. There is virtually no chance you can get to safety before your attacker has a chance to stab you in the back. If someone is intent on attacking you with a knife, and you already see the knife, it’s too late for fleeing to save you from the confrontation. This is especially true if you are standing face to face with your attacker. In a matter of two to three steps, they can be on top of you. In this scenario, your chance of running to safety is essentially zero. You can’t count on anyone else to save you now; it is up to you.

If you are attacked, the most important thing for you to do is protect your vital areas, such as your head and chest. Put your hands up to protect yourself. Even if it means your arms end up cut up, that’s a better fate than cuts across your face and neck, or a stab wound to the chest. Being attacked by a knife is a case of trying to avoid the worst-case scenario; it’s unlikely at this point that you’ll come out of the attack unscathed. You will not die from a few cuts to your arms; at this point, your priority must be avoiding serious injury.

Once these vital areas are protected, you must fight back to get away. You can’t just curl up in a fetal position, or the attack will never stop. Use your TASER device, stun gun, pepper spray, or even your car keys or purse, if that’s all you have. This works best against an attacker who is wielding a knife but has not yet lunged forward with it, though once the attack has started, escaping must still be your goal. Practicing this scenario with a partner can help you develop strategies for using your self defense devices when being attacked with a knife. Kick, hit, and do everything in your power to get the attacker down. Target key areas such as the eyes that may cause your attacker to drop the knife. Typically, the attack will only stop once the attacker is incapacitated or is no longer holding onto the knife, so this must be your goal.

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Category: Self Help

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