Football Fans Come Couriers

With world cup fever spreading far and wide, many people are taking time off work to watch the football. If you’re a courier however, there is no need to use up valuable holiday for matches, as there are many ways of enjoying the football while you’re on the move. All over the country, there are football fans come couriers – here’s how to spot them.

Flags and Mascots

There’s one surefire way to spot a footie fan on the road whilst football fever is prevalent, and that’s by the adornments on their cars. Whether it’s a football shaped air freshener, a sticker on the windscreen or even flags flying from the back of the car, you can guarantee that a courier who is following the football closely will have a mascot of some description on their vehicle.

Impromptu Celebrations

One of the main reasons there is no need for a courier to take time off work to watch the footie, is that they can listen to the match on the radio as they’re on the road. With the majority of the important matches well-commentated on radio stations such as Radio Five, there is no need to ever miss a match. But how can you tell that a courier is listening to the football whilst they’re on the road? Well, do not be surprised if you suddenly see someone behind the wheel erupt into an impromptu and spontaneous celebration as their favourite team scores a goal. If you see someone whooping and cheering from the driver’s seat, you can almost guarantee that they are listening to the football.

Radio Rage

Similar to impromptu celebrations, and almost as funny to watch, radio rage is another way to identify a courier who is following the football on the job. However, rather than observing a driver grinning wildly and cheering, instead you will witness someone shouting with exasperation in their car. This cannot be mistaken for road rage, as the anger is not aimed at anything or anyone outside of the car, but simply at the radio transmitting the bad news about the referee or even the players themselves. Whether they are simply throwing their hands up in despair, shaking their fists at the radio, or shouting at the top of their voices, you can always tell when a driver’s team are not faring well in a football match by their radio rage reaction. However, to really identify what is happening in the match, lip reading skills are essential.

Half Time Deliveries

On the whole, a courier tries to get his work done as efficiently as possible, and this is no different during footie fever. However, you may see a slight shift in the patterns of deliveries. Rather than a steady rate of travel and delivery, it is likely that during a football match you will see drivers dawdling on the road during the match, and making incredibly speedy deliveries during half time so as not to miss a second of the commentary.

So, as the world cup goes on, keep your eyes peeled on the road and you’ll be able to spot a courier come football fan a mile away.

Author Bio: Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world’s largest neutral trading hub for the Sameday courier and express freight exchange industry. Over 2,500 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading courier services and capacity in a safe ‘wholesale’ environment.

Category: Sports
Keywords: courier

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