What Are the Causes For Sweating Excessively?

Sweating is the body’s natural way of releasing toxins in the body. It is a cleansing process. However, excessive sweating is a different matter and according to most medical experts, it is generally genetic. This means if one of your parents tend to sweat a lot, and you do too, then you probably inherited the gene.

There are two categories of excessive sweating which is the generalized hyperhidrosis which means you tend to release sweat all over your body; then there is the focal hyperhidrosis which focuses on jut one part like your hands or feet.

The usual cause would be too much activity in your sympathetic nervous system. This is the part of the body that controls your sweat glands and is responsible for our automatic reflexes. For instance, when faced with a dangerous situation, we tend to sweat because our nervous system tells us we are at risk. Thus, we cannot control the way our sweat glands works nor the amount of sweat it produces.

Unfortunately, there is no way you can cure this because it is genetic. It can be addressed by using certain products and avoiding stressful situations. For instance, your doctor could prescribe oral medication and strong antiperspirants. You can also consider Botox or should the problem be extraordinary, laparoscopic surgery. However, before assuming that you suffer excessive sweating because of your parents’ genes, there are other factors that can be examined.

Aside from the genetic factor, you can also suffer from excessive sweating because of hormonal changes, aging, obesity, certain kinds of cancer, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism, among others.

Teenagers or women who are going through menopause tend to sweat more than they normally do. This is related to the changes in the body and will cease once the person passes that stage. Obesity is a common cause for sweating because of the weight being carried around and the effort it takes to move. This is a problem that can be solved more easily, medically speaking, although it may not necessarily be emotionally or physically easier. Obviously, there are sensitive issues that have to be addressed when dealing with excessive sweating due to obesity.

If you are bothered by excessive sweating, it could affect your relationship with others and cause you to withdraw from people. What you need to understand is that you are doing nothing to cause this if your problem is genetic. It is a problem, but it can be solved with the right kind of treatment. Your first step should be to consult a doctor and explain your situation. You can expect to go through a series of diagnostic tests before treatment can be addressed.

Hoping that you will outgrow excessive sweating is possible if you experienced it only recently. If you have had it as long as you can remember, then the chances are slim that it will stop happening on its own. Nevertheless, there are solutions to excessive sweating. Just remember that what may work for one person, may not necessarily be the perfect product for you.

Author Bio: Don’t let the sweat take over, visit http://www.stopsweatingproblems.net and find out about a practical and unique treatment that permanently gets rid of your sweating problems naturally.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: sweating, excessive sweating, sweating excessively, sweating

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