Yongkang Hardware Industry Impacts on Lanzhou

Economic co-operation in Lanzhou delegation recently in the “hardware” investment study, Lu Wucheng his party came to John wood gundy science and technology hardware city, field trips market operations, product sales, etc., and to build in the West Region in northwest China Solid Hardware & Electrical Yongkang City Chamber of Commerce projects and head of in-depth exchanges and cooperation to reach consensus.

Invite “the public and Thailand” to the development of automobile industry Lan Lu Wucheng his party also inspected the tractor Focus Group mini-sport utility vehicle production base in Thailand. Tieniu Group is a automobile and engine, mold, sheet metal parts, transmissions and other automotive R & D manufacture key parts for the core business and development of modern private enterprise, with “mass-Thai”, “South” two cars the whole cars own brand.

Thai mini-SUV in the public production base, production workshop workers are in full swing assembly of cars. After the field visits, Lu Wucheng warmly invited tractor group to Portland, and investors set up factories. He said the current, Lanzhou City is in a critical period of accelerated development, the automotive industry as the industry symbol of industries, focus on the future development of the industries.

Not long ago, Geely, Lanzhou Base Capacity Expansion cum six supporting enterprises to enter the project in Lanzhou City Airport Industrial Park started construction of circular economy, which marks the Lanzhou auto industry has entered a whole to promote and accelerate the development of a new phase. 3 year plan in Lanzhou City, the Airport Industrial Park to build a circular economy value Chaobai Yi Yuan, Northwest’s largest automobile industry cluster, making it the Eurasian continental bridge export countries and regions along the bridge the main channel.

Lu Wucheng said tractor to Lan Group set up plants if the development of automobile industry, will have good opportunities and prospects, will be Lanzhou City, at all levels of quality and efficient service and strong support. The delegation also inspected the horse Copper Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Wang Sheng Group photovoltaic base group.6 12.4 billion attract investment projects signed since June 9 the delegation arrived in Zhejiang Province has launched a series of study investment activities, promote investment and to discuss a number of key cooperation projects have achieved fruitful results. June 10 afternoon, Lanzhou – Yongkang signing ceremony of economic cooperation projects. Signed a total of 6 projects, total investment of 12.4 billion yuan, 12.4 billion deal to bring in capital.

These projects are the Hong Ma Copper Co., Ltd. Zhejiang invested 5 billion yuan in the construction of the Western District Hong Ma solid circular economy industrial park projects; Lanzhou Yongkang Chamber of Commerce 3.0 billion investment in the construction of the West Region in northwest China Solid Hardware & Electrical City projects; Sport Super Group invest 1 billion yuan, Ma circular economy in the macro to carry out the park motorcycles, motor manufacturing, and other projects; Four Seas Co., Ltd. Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, invested 2 billion yuan in the construction of Lanzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, a large regional modern logistics base project; Zhejiang Chamber of investment 400 million yuan, fixed area in the western commercial complex construction projects; China Group l Group investments by 10 billion development of circular economy in macro horse park to carry out solar energy, wind energy in the field of R & D manufacturing projects. Zhejiang Wan Jin Industrial Co., Ltd., Boyu Industrial Co., Ltd., Steel Shipping Group, Sky Group have more than 30 enterprises and chambers of commerce representatives witnessed the signing.

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Category: Business
Keywords: sliding gate hardware,door knob hardware,toilet seat hardware,

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