Secrets to Increasing Your Energy Levels While You’re Pregnant

To suggest pregnancy affects your energy levels would be an understatement. Carrying your baby for nine months not only places demands on your body, but on your mind, as well. Hence, while the experience is uniquely rewarding, it is also extremely taxing; it can leave a mom-to-be feeling exhausted and lethargic.

Unfortunately, your responsibilities remain constant even as your energy levels dwindle. For this reason, it’s important to do everything possible to give yourself a healthy boost of energy so you can meet each day’s challenges. This article will provide the “secrets” to doing so. Like most secrets, however, you’ll quickly discover they’re intuitive to what you already realize to be true.

Get Sufficient Rest

There was once a time when most people routinely slept eight or nine hours each night. It was considered essential for performing well the following day. Over the past forty years, the average number of hours spent sleeping has declined to six and a half. This number continues to drop.

The problem is that a lack of sleep affects our bodies and minds in ways that are difficult to recognize over the short run. When you’re pregnant and your energy levels are already dropping, the effect is even more pronounced. Get sufficient sleep each night. Make it a priority, even if other responsibilities seem more important.

Implement A Daily Workout Routine

Exercising each day is a surefire method for feeling more energetic. Not only will the release of endorphins provide a natural “high,” but working out helps relieve stress. You’ll find that you’ll sleep more restfully while enjoying more stamina throughout the day.

So what types of exercises are valuable? Any activity that requires you to move your body. This includes walking, swimming, and yoga. If you own an exercise bike or treadmill, you can work out while watching television or talking on the phone.

It’s also worth noting that exercising can be fun. Whether you’re working out to a fitness DVD or taking a walk with friends, look for opportunities to move your body.

Focus On Nourishment And Hydration

“You are what you eat.” While this quote is overly simplistic, it drives home an important point: the foods you consume play a significant role in your health. Moreover, they influence your energy levels. If you were to limit your diet to ice cream, chips, and pizza, you would feel much less energetic. These foods have very little nourishment, and require more time and energy to digest.

By contrast, if you eliminate such foods and replace them with fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, your energy levels will rise. You should also make an effort to drink plenty of water throughout the day. This keeps your body hydrated and aids in its digestive process. The result? More energy that allows you to meet each day’s tasks without feeling overly fatigued.

Eliminate Anxiety

Stress is particularly problematic because it begins as a slow boil. It is barely noticeable, but can have a severe effect on your strength. Over time, it builds momentum as the responsibilities and concerns associated with pregnancy mount. As anxiety begins to take a mental and physical toll, the problem worsens – often, without the mom-to-be realizing it.

Minimize or eliminate as much anxiety from your mind as possible. It offers zero value for you, your baby, or your partner. Set aside time each day to close your eyes and meditate; take naps; spend time with your partner, friends, and family. These activities will not only take your mind off your worries, but will also provide a fresh perspective. Usually, problems that cause stress seem larger than they truly are.

With a few exceptions, your energy levels are directly within your control. Use the “secrets” above to keep those levels high leading up to – and through – your due date.

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Category: Parenting
Keywords: energy while pregnant, pregnant energy, how to increase your energy when you\’re pregnant

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