Petrochemical Industry Seeking Low-carbon Development Path

Business community on May 14 hearing on May 12, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association to “low carbon economy and structural adjustment” as the theme of the report will be held in Beijing. Li Yongwu chairman of the Federation, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Secretary Chen Yanhai of common raw materials, paints a low-carbon economy, the petrochemical industry development. They proposed to use look at the development of carbon reduction, speed up industry restructuring, the development of low-carbon technologies, recycling economy and new industries such as new materials.

Li Yongwu pointed out that for the petrochemical industry, the development of low-carbon economy is essentially industrial restructuring and development of the fundamental change. Petroleum and chemical industries both bear the responsibility to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, but also has the advantage of a low carbon economy can be said that the development of low-carbon economy bright prospects.

Li Yongwu recommended the development of low-carbon economy should be combined with the adjustment of industrial structure; to develop low-carbon technologies; vigorously develop the circular economy, promoting clean production and comprehensive utilization of resources; to develop new chemical materials, and other strategic new industries, development of efficient and energy saving, environment-friendly new materials, new products, improve the rate of refined products and added value, promoting downstream industries to reduce their carbon emissions.

Chen Yanhai said, including the petrochemical industry, including the industry’s low-power, low-emission development, climate change in China, aggregate GHG emissions in the strategic plan of the important integral part of development “12 Year” program priorities to consider problems. Structural reduction from the Ministry of Industry, technology and emission reduction, management and emission reduction, emission reduction system of four aspects to promote the development of low carbon petrochemical industry.

Including efforts to increase the industrial structure adjustment, give full play to scientific and technological progress in carbon reduction in support, and improve enterprise management level of carbon emissions. At the same time, enhance planning and investment, environmental management, carbon emission reduction as an important content to include “12 5” petrochemical industry development plan.

Petroleum and Chemical Industry Planning Vice Shi Xianping that the chemical industry in the development process can achieve carbon emission reductions, while also providing help to other industry products and technology of carbon emissions. Petrochemical industry should focus on adjusting the energy structure and product structure, the use of advanced energy-saving technologies, strengthen the end of treatment.

At the meeting, the State Statistics Bureau chief economist Yao Jingyuan made the current economic situation in China industry report. National Energy Research Institute Energy and Environment Research Centre and Climate Change Xu Huaqing made on the situation in China to address climate change and policy reports. Gu, former vice chairman of NPC Standing Committee attended and listened attentively to the report.

In order to promote China, Iran, the exchange of petrochemical industry, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, China Chemical Network join the Iranian Chamber of Commerce in May Copolymer Ningbo, invited two senior industry experts organize the “2010 Sino-Iranian Petrochemical Industry Summit Forum”, jointly with you the expansion of production capacity between China and Iraq under the petroleum products market! Conference topics include oil, natural gas, methanol, polyolefins, aromatics, sulfur, ammonia, urea and other petrochemical products market.

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