The Absolute Best In Martial Arts Training

When you are learning something that you might end up having to use to bridge the gap between life or death for you or your family, you want to make sure you are getting the best. That is why when searching for martial arts training, you look no further than close combat training. The reason for this is that there are simply so many different styles or martial arts out there that it is almost impossible to find the perfect fit you. But thankfully, someone has already done the hard work on your behalf and discovered the absolute best self defense tactics known to man.

His name is Chris Pizzo and he is the founder of Close Combat Training. And the reason you should trust him is that he knows exactly what it is like to fear for your life and not be able to properly defend himself. He was once the victim of a violent assault while he was with his wife. Knife wielding attackers descended on them at random and only through sheer luck did the police arrive on time. Ever since that day, when he almost saw the end of not only his own life, but the life of his cherished wife, Pizzo has dedicated his life to finding the absolute best model of self defense tactics on earth.

He started a worldwide journey in 1997 determined to become an expert in every possible style of martial arts. He studied in Japan, China, Great Britain and many other places. However, he found that even though every type of martial arts is great for one thing, there was nothing that was good for everything. Of course, that is until he found close combat training. This type of fighting style was invented during the Second World War to fend off Nazi Germany. And obviously, it worked. And now it has expanded to not only help soldiers survive on the battle field but to also help the average person survive on the street.

So Pizzo has taken his years of martial arts training and condensed it into manageable bits that anyone can learn. Through his innovative and critically acclaimed DVD series, he has managed to help thousands of people learn the necessary self defense tactics that they need in order to fend off a violent attacker. And if you think you are too small to learn self defense, then think again. In fact, size has nothing to do with it. It is all how you use your body and especially how you use your mind. The first few seconds of a fight are the make or break time. If you falter here, then you will likely lose. But if you are able to keep your cool, you will end up the victor. Imagine the feeling of great reward as you take down a knife wielding mugger in a dark alley. You will be a local hero, and it’s all because you just spent a few hours in your own home learning some techniques.

Author Bio: For more details about martial arts training and self defense tactics, please visit :

Category: Sports
Keywords: martial arts training

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