Internet Safety

The key to keeping your children safe online is to know what you’re up against. The biggest mistake you can make is to be ignorant when it comes to the technology your children are using.

You need to understand how it works, what they are using it for and exactly what the dangers are.

Many parents are behind the eight ball when it comes to the internet and cell phones. This is simply because as a generation you have not been bought up online. Children today are web and technology savvy therefore, in many cases they know a lot more about the internet than their parents.

Ok parents its time to get up with the play. Everything you need to know about the internet to keep your kids safe you can learn simply and effectively.

The internet is constantly changing and there are new avenues being opened all the time. Keeping up to date with the latest trends in teen internet use is important.

So what are your teens likely to be doing online? Every child is different but the most common activities will include email, instant messaging (IM), blogging, gaming, downloading music, chat rooms, clubs and surfing.

If you computer illiterate a good way to get started is to get your teen to show you the ropes. This way you are getting involved with their internet use and learning at the same time.

It is important whatever you do that you take the time to learn how to use the computer and the internet. Get your child to show you sites they visit and share with you what they do online. Be prepared though for the fact that they might not show you everything.

Once you have established a sound understanding of the internet you need to look closely at the dangers. Knowing the dangers will help you protect your teen from them. The foremost concern for any parent is that of internet predators.

With over a million predators and pedophiles stalking cyber space you cannot afford to be complacent. These predators are experts in gaining your child’s confidence, gleaning information and grooming children for contact. They stalk chat rooms, blogs, IM and childrens and teen clubs and communities.

The two most effective ways to prevent your child from becoming a victim are education and monitoring. Talk to your children about internet safety, set strategies and enforce rules and regulations.

Monitoring is an effective way to get an idea as to the kinds of activities your child is engaging in online, and Parental control software while often controversial is a great way to keep up to speed and to protect your child while they are exploring the net.

Some basic guidelines will go a long way to protecting your child’s safety online.

Internet safety Dos and Don’ts:

* Don’t let the internet become your child’s only source of socialization.
* Do monitor your child’s internet use if you are concerned about what they are doing online.
* Don’t leave your child’s safety to chance
* Do get to know your child’s online friends as you would their real friends
* Don’t avoid telling your children the truth about online dangers to try and shelter them.
* Do consider filtering content to avoid exposure to damaging material.
* Do talk to your children about internet safety
* Don’t allow your children unlimited internet time
* Do encourage good netiquette
* Don’t allow the use of personal or family information online
* Do work out strategies for safety together
* Don’t allow your children meet with anybody they have met online
* Do keep the computer in a public area

Author Bio: Amy Cainfield is a child safety advocate working in St.Louis. She recommends parental control software like PC Tattletale to help parents keep their kids safe online.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: pctattletale,parental control software, internet monitoring software, internet safety

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