How Important is Website Conversion?

There is some amount of ambiguity on what generates income in an online venture; if you have a site that simply offers information about you4 brick and mortar business with no provisions for customers to buy your products or services online ; just driving traffic to your site will be adequate but if you are selling something or even if you have a website dedicated to internet marketing, increasing the traffic to your site will just be the first step to generating a profit because the next and most important step will be to convert the visitors; in other words, make them buy from you or a company that you are marketing. So it would not make sense to pump in a sizeable amount of money just to drive traffic t your site; you need a well rounded approach. So let’s discuss the various aspects of conversion:

What is Website Conversion?

We explored the concept with a one liner above but let’s did deeper this time. The people who visit a site have to follow a set procedure where they have to go through the desired point of action of the business and submit information; download files, purchase products or services etc. this would be the definition of website conversion. If the site offer ecommerce products and/or solutions; many people will add items to their shopping carts but not all of them will buy these products; in reality, only a small percentage of them will. The number of people who complete the transaction will be the conversion rate of the website. If you want to improve the conversion rate of your website, you will need to start by analyzing why customers do not buy the products that they add to their carts or why they drop out at certain points in the process.

What is a Point of Action or POA?

A POA can be defined as a set of actions that the webmaster would like the visitor to take; depending on the type of website; you can have a branch of POA’s where they are segregated into primary, secondary and sometimes even tertiary POAs. The primary POA is one which will generate the most amount of profit for the business; for instance, when a customer completes the purchase ; this would be primary POA while asking him to sign up for the websites newsletter will be the secondary POA. One of the primary problems that new website owners face is creating a website without a well defined POA; such websites are little more than brochures and they will not guide the visitors towards becoming purchasers.

What is the Take Rate?

The percentage of visitors who are interested in the POA is the ratio of desired actions divided by the number of visitors. For instance, if a B2B website is offering a downloadable demo as the POA; the number of people who click on the download link would form the take rate; whether they actually do download the page or not is secondary. The take rate is merely a figure that demonstrates the number of people who were interested in the POA. For instance, on an ecommerce website; the take rate would comprise of people who add items to their shopping art; whether or not they go through with the purchase will have no impact on the take rate. One of the simplest ways to improve the take ate of your website is to offer the opportunity to go through the POA on every page; you want to make it easy for your customers to purchase products from you whenever they decide to do so.

The website conversion rate: The conversion rate of a website is a figure that is calculated by dividing the total number of people who visit the website by the actual number of people who through the POA. For instance if 3 people purchase products from a website as opposed to the 100 visitors who fill out the contact form; this would put the website conversion rte at 3%. A simple principle is that improving the take rate of your site will also help to increase the conversion rate.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is an Search Engine Marketing consultant specializing in Marketing SEO Services and Social Media Articles Consulting.

Category: Internet
Keywords: medical Marketing,seo,medical, doctors, internet marketing, online marketing

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