How To Use “Calls To Action” In Your Copywriting To Generate Money

An important part of closing the sale is using a powerful call to action. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, a call to action simply tells the reader to buy and to buy now.

Unfortunately for many Internet marketers, their calls to action simply don’t get the job done. Whether they are too weak or too spread out, they never build up the oomph required to push readers to become buyers.

If you find yourself in this position now, then it is time to re-work your calls to action (or to learn how to do it correctly if you never have before).

I personally suggest that you take the following three steps whenever you write a call to action:

Step #1: Tell The Reader Exactly What To Do

Usually, with a sales letter, this part is easy. You simply want the reader to stop reading and buy; and this is exactly what you have to tell them to do.

Of course, in some situations, your goal may be a little subtler. For instance, you might want the reader to return at the end of a countdown to buy your product at its release date. Or you might want the reader to either buy or sign up for a newsletter, which you will then use to pitch to them.

Whatever it is that you want them to do, make sure you clarify that goal for yourself. Once you have done that, make sure that you put it into your sales letter repeatedly and clearly. Tell readers exactly what to do and exactly when to do it.

Step #2: Surround the Call to Action with Supporting Text

Simply calling people to action isn’t enough. If your call to action isn’t surrounded by relevant and encouraging text, the call to action may fall flat. It may either seem out of place or too dramatic.

In either case, the antidote for this problem is a strong build-up; and a calculated wind-down. In the strong build-up, you should focus exclusively on moving towards a pitch. Explain why the problems they encounter are formidable; and explain why other products are unlikely to do the job.

By the time you get to the call to action, they should be ready to buy. And after you deliver it, all that is left to do is provide additional support. For those still reading (who haven’t bought), push them to reconsider.

Step #3: Make it Easy to Follow Your Call to Action

If your call to action is difficult to follow, expect few people to follow it. To the contrary, if your call to action is simple and is easy to follow, then expect many people to follow it. That’s just how things work.

With that said, do yourself a favor: make your call to action simple to follow. For instance, if you repeatedly tell people to “buy now,” follow those calls to action with a link that allows them to buy immediately. Don’t simply put one buy now button at the bottom of the page and none elsewhere.

And if you ask people to come back on the launch date (or something similar), then offer to remind them of the launch date via email. This not only makes it easy for them to follow your call to action, but it also enables you to pick up some email addresses in the meantime.

In summary–a weak call to action could make an otherwise brilliantly-written sales letter flat and unconverting. To the contrary, a powerful call to action can transform a relatively weak sales letter into something that has legs.

Author Bio: Visit Brian’s website, and learn about freelance writing and writing for money as a part-time or full-time writing career.

Category: Writing
Keywords: copywriting, writing, business writing, freelance writing

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