The Martial Arts Techniques That Will Save Your Life

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or haven’t seen an action movie, you probably have a vague idea of what martial arts is. However, you may have a misguided view, because Hollywood doesn’t tend to portray things in complete accuracy. So if when you think martial arts techniques and you picture someone flying through the air and taking down five people with a spin kick, then you might want to take a closer look. The bottom line about martial arts is self defense. It isn’t used to beat up people or to cause any problems. But it can be, and is used in cases of aggression where there is no other option. Military self defense strategies can also be used to fight off a potential attacker. But you may wonder, if I’m not in the military how am I ever going to learn these things? Well the answer is simple. Right from your very own living room.

The owner of Close Combat Training has an extensive military as well as martial arts background. He believes that every single person should be able to learn how to defend themselves against an attacker, which is why he created the DVD series. In this series, you will not only learn how to take down an attacker twice your size with one swift move but you will also learn how to mentally prepare for an attack, and even how to avoid one entirely.

It might come as a surprise, but one of the most important martial arts techniques is what is called avoidance. This simply means having the cognitive ability to recognize a potentially dangerous situation and to avoid it. After all, not many of us actually want to be in a fight, so the best method of self defense is to avoid it even happening. This is also one of the main military self defense tactics. Although they can often not avoid an attack, they can be mentally prepared and ready and able when the attack does happen. And you too can learn these amazing skills from the comfort of your own home.

You can even start right now. Just simply practise being more aware of your surroundings when you are outside. That means cutting out the headphones and the cell phone, and being on constant watch and taking in every piece of information that is available to you. If you are aware of your surrounding at all times, you automatically decrease your chances of becoming a victim. When criminals are out on the prowl looking for targets, they will usually go for someone who looks distracted, either by texting or listening to music. That way, they get the element of surprise. But if you are always on guard, you take away that element and they likely won’t even give you a second glance. So in fact, many martial arts techniques don’t involve fighting at all. They involve avoiding a fight and avoiding a situation that could potentially be dangerous.

Author Bio: For more details about martial arts techniques and military self defense, please visit :

Category: Sports
Keywords: martial arts techniques

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