Tips & Tricks to Tackling Misbehavior and Maintaining Control in the Classroom

Gaining control in a chaotic classroom can be one of the biggest challenges that face new teachers (or even those teachers that are considered to be ‘old vets’). If your classroom environment is beginning to make you feel like more of an underpaid babysitter than the educational professional that you have worked so hard to be, you need to learn some steps to take control and maintain control of your classroom and the students in it. Even if you can stomach the bedlam and utter anarchy that can ensue when students “run wild”, other students that are not participating in the unruly madness are being affected – and it is your responsibility to provide a positive atmosphere that promotes learning.

When Students Go “Wild”

Developing the skills that are needed when your classroom is in a state of pandemonium can be a process of trial and error. Learning to act in lieu of reacting is a fundamental part of gaining and keeping the control that you need. When one student is causing a commotion or being unruly, the behavior that you exhibit must make a statement that they understand (in no uncertain terms) – or you will never be the master of your classroom. These steps will help you “show them whose boss” without allowing misbehavior to dictate the entire classroom session – and thus affecting other students. Begin by:

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