Power of Mind Over Matter Can Create Miracles

Have you ever wonder how a fragile looking terrified mother can lift a car to save her kid from the wreckage? If yes, then the answer to the question is right here. It is the ultimate power of mind over matter. The above-cited example is believed to be a common effect of mind when subjected to an environment of extreme trauma and emotions that unknowingly amplifies the strength of mind.

This is the same logic how some performers can withstand pain and tolerate extreme circumstances, which may look harsh or terrifying for common man. Our physical bodies do respond to such physical strains involuntarily. For example our reflex action makes you to take your finger from burning sensation or you close your eyes immediately when something pokes in it. Pain is just another aspect or rather a defense mechanism to alert you that something is wrong. However our mind has no such limitations and often when the right conditions are satisfied, the mind can gather all potential power vested in a person and focuses it into a single point.

Another classic example of practicing mind over matter is the fire walkers we see in India or Asian sub continents. Not only they walk over hot burning charcoal but can also pierce themselves al over with hooks and spikes. They exhibit minimum pain and fatigue despite the fact that they had been hooked up with large metal cages for hours. This clearly highlights the idea that pain is just an aspect of physical body that can be controlled by the power of mind.

The above-mentioned example of firewalkers may sound extraordinary but all of them are just common people who have mastered the art of controlling their minds to offset the limitations of the matter around us. This can be achieved through two ways; either by indulging in meditative process and thereby gains control over the subconscious. The second choice can be technology that can be more feasible when it comes to common individual. Technological creations like brainwave entrainment can use the power of binaural beats to artificially stimulate the frequencies that can control the conscious and the sub conscious factors that induce pain in human body. The concept of brainwave technology is simply synchronizing the brain to a position where it can reap optimum benefits.

End of the day, each one of us should realize that mind matters above everything. What you seek for are within yourselves. Unleashing the power of mind is the key for life, wealth and health. Most people mat consider the given information as hoax since very few can digest the idea that mind over matter can really do things which we term it as extraordinary or a miracle. However the underlying truth is that power of mind over matter is a genuine concept or rather a fact that can be mastered by anyone who is familiar with its applications and ruling fundamentals. After all human race achieved all this by utilizing just ten percent of their brain

Author Bio: Click Here to get your Free “Success Accelerator” Brainwave Cd today! Unleash your Mind Power potential to attain the lifestyle that you want. Visit http://www.MindMaximus.com and claim your Free Cd today!

Category: Self Help
Keywords: power of mind over matter,ultimate power,create miracles,brainwave technology

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