The Effect of Subliminal Messaging Cds on Our Lives

At every moment of our wakeful life, we are surrounded by subliminal messaging in a constant and ongoing way. Subliminal messaging may also occur while sleeping, since most of the time our dreams or at least those we are able to recall as we awaken, appear to be filled with subliminal messages which the brain has received and processed without the conscious mind even being aware that this process has taken place.

We know that every single sound which enters the ear is immediately transmitted to the brain where the bin-aural beats either compartmentalize it into an already established brainwave or create a new brainwave pattern. It is amazing when one stops to realize how easily and subtly this happens. Probably the most primary source of subliminal messaging is via subliminal messaging cds or the television where the brain is constantly bombarded with messages from newscasts, our favorite programs and especially commercial advertising.

Take a moment to think about all the commercial advertising messages we hear. For example, if our attention is being directed to a product or service message our subconscious thought process often ‘goes wild’ so to speak. We see a product and the next thing that attacks our brain is the price of the product or service. If we are told for example that ‘x’ product has a value of $29.95 but for the next few minutes the price is $19.95 and not only that but if we make a phone call right now and use a credit card, we can get two for the price of one, the brain immediately receives this message as ‘buy one get one free’!

Many studies have been conducted regarding the subliminal messaging process with regard to the above example. The first thought that comes to mind is not concerned with the actual value of the product but the fact that the price being offered is $10 below the actual value. This thought or perhaps a better word ‘idea’ is immediately followed by one which tells us if we ‘get one free to boot’ we can save not $10 but $20 with the subtle message being that the product will ultimately end up requiring a mere $9.95 to come out of our pocket.

Subliminal messaging should never be confused with hypnosis. If one is in a hypnotic state, the mind is open to the power of suggestion which is under the control of the person whom we allowed to take our mind to a subconscious level where it is assumed that the brain is receptive to any and all messages it processes. Subliminal messaging, on the other hand, occurs naturally and is not at the mercy of an outside force. There is another way in which subliminal messaging differs from hypnosis in that it is possible to be in control of the origin of the message.

In the early 1970’s audio programming was introduced which opened up a whole new ‘can of worms’ so to speak. In the world of today, all one needs to do is log onto a computer, type ‘subliminal messaging’ into the search-bar and ‘voila’ welcome to a whole page of information on this topic! There are many, many compact disks or to use the popular vernacular ‘CD’s’ available and not only that but we can choose which ones we desire use.

Not only is it very easy to see the effect of subliminal messaging on our lives, but also how easily and effectively we can be positively or negatively affected by it. For any individual interested in inducing positive commands in their subconscious mind, then subliminal messaging cds can be of great effect.

Author Bio: Click Here to get your Free ‘Secret Success Package’ and transform your life in amazing ways!

Category: Self Help
Keywords: subliminal messaging cds,subliminal messaging,commercial advertising,messaging process

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