How to Stop Emotional Eating?

Do you have a favorite comfort food? Do you eat more when you are depressed or sad? You surely are an emotional eater. Emotional eating is one of the common factors that lead to excessive weight accumulation and obesity. This is because emotions are natural. Strong and unlikely feelings are part of everyday living. Thus, when you are into emotional eating, you tend to eat more each time you feel strong emotions, which could be very often.

You may think that emotional eating only occurs when you are angry, stressed, or sad. In reality, it could occur out of boredom. There are numerous people who go and open the fridge to eat just because there is nothing else to do. Thus, to many, eating is a time-filler. Eating out of craving could even be categorized as emotional eating. Thus, when you watch the television, you may notice that commercials are obviously programmed to urge people to eat.

There are ways to beat emotional eating habits. In today’s busy, busy world, we sometimes don’t stop and take the time to plan out our daily diet. Preparation is 75% of the battle. Simply having the right foods ready at all times, can help point you in the right direction. If you really want to stop such eating patterns, these techniques could surely work.

1.Avoid watching television for too long. You do not need to miss any or all of your favorite TV shows. Just mute the volume during commercial gaps so you would not be easily persuaded by those mouth-watering food ads. It is just hard to overcome cravings pushed by the subconscious when you see food commercials on the boob tube.

2.Talk to someone. It is always healthy to ventilate your emotions. Try not to keep them to your self. Sharing your problems and thoughts to anyone would help you relieve yourself of emotional baggage, which often lead to emotional eating. For more serious cases, you may need to see a professional therapist.

3.Address the root or causes of problems. Usually, the main cause why people are eating emotionally is not directly related to cravings and food. Find out the root cause of your eating disorder and try to focus on addressing it. Your ability to curtail emotional eating depends on it. Such causes could include childhood traumas, low self confidence, fears, insecurities, and many more.

4.Be involved. Idle minds are workshops for the devil. In your case, being idle is almost synonymous to eating more. Try to do something during your spare time. You may need to join an activity group to occupy your self especially when you are bored. Get into an engaging hobby to keep yourself busy.

5.Learn to forgive and forget. More often, emotional eating is prompted by frustration and anger towards another person. If you learn to forgive that person, there would be no reason you would harbor the ill feelings that push you to eat unnecessarily. Thus, experts always assert that forgiveness is healthy as well as rewarding. On the other hand, bitterness could lead to unhappiness, stress, and a shortened life. Forgive those who hurt you and try your best to forget all about that hurt.

Author Bio: Janice Duryea is a nutition expert and writer for several online weight loss portals. To learn more about the hottest diet trends like Reduce Weight Fruta Planta and Meizitang Botanical Slimming or Bodybuilding products like Gaspari Myofusion Protein, go to for more information.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: fruta planta, gaspari, weight loss, supplements, diet pills, ephedra, diet

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