Claiming For Compensation For Whiplash

Whiplash is one of the most painful personal injuries one can suffer, and can result in all sorts of nasty complications that stand alone from the actual physical injury itself. For example, the amount of pain you suffer could be responsible for you suffering from depression. You may feel less able and useful, or just fed up of the pain, and then suffer low moods and depressive states.

Another complication could be that of delayed injury. It is possible that you could suffer further injury from the whiplash, and these could be deferred injuries that are unforeseeable. This is particularly damaging because it could affect the level of support you get, both financially and mentally.

If you suffer whiplash, then you have two options open to you as regards receiving financial compensation. The first option is very simple and requires that you contact your insurance company and make a direct claim against them and their financial resources. This is very straightforward, but does require that you prepare for a low amount of freedom as regards compensation levels.

The second way to gain compensation is to hire a special personal injury lawyer or solicitor. This will be someone who can hear the details of your case, and put forward the very best claim on your behalf. Many of these lawyers now work on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, so the chances of you carrying out the case with little risk are significantly increased.

If you take up a case with a solicitor or lawyer to help you, there are two types of compensation you can work towards receiving. The first type is general damages compensation; the second is special damages compensation.

The general damages route looks at the injuries that were caused by the incident, and then the courts look to precedent to determine just how much compensation they are going to give you. What this means is that they will look at previous similar cases and decide how much they should award.

Special damages look at all sorts of other factors in the incident. These factors are mainly financial, and ask that you look at any special costs that you have incurred due to the accident taking place. For example, you may have had your car taken to the garage to be fixed as a direct result of an accident. You may have had a direct loss of earnings due to an accident taking place. You can go down the special damages route, but be aware that if you do so you will be expected by the court to provide all receipts and records that show just how much you have had to pay out due to the accident taking place.

The best thing you can do as regards compensation for whiplash is to get yourself the opportunity to find a no win no fee lawyer, one who can take a good, objective look at your case and its chances of going to court. This is preferable to an insurance claim because it allows for more specific damages to be awarded.

Author Bio: Dave Matthews is a freelance copywriter. He writes articles for a range of interests, causes and businesses – in this case, no win no fee compensation claims by Hamilton Brady.

Category: Legal
Keywords: no win no free, compensation, claim, whiplash

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