Tips to Get a Career Promotion at Your Job
Tip #1 – Make Sure Someone Else Can Do Your Job
As unintuitive as this might seem, an important part of getting a job promotion is ensuring that someone else can do your job. If the no one can, then you cannot be replaced; and cannot get promoted.
Tip #2 – Timing is Important
When it comes to getting a promotion at work, few things are more important than timing. Being in the right place at the right time and saying the right things is vital. And this is why you must pay careful attention to your timing. Sometimes timing includes being prepared for a promotion. When circumstances meet preparation, then opportunity is created.
Tip #3 – Don’t Ask Questions if You Can Answer Them Yourself
One thing the successful do well is to solve problems themselves, rather than burdening others with them. If you want a promotion, you have to learn how to do this, too.
Tip #4 – Do More than is Asked of You
Whenever you are given a project at work, make it a point to over-deliver on all of the requirements. Make the boss appreciate your work; and make her have a vested interest in promoting you.
Tip #5 – Follow the Approach of Your Manager
If you want an example of how to get promoted, look no further than your own manager. She has been promoted to a position above you, so she knows how to be successful in your position.
Tip #6 – Consider Why You Want the Promotion
Being prepared is important. For instance, next time you’re in the elevator with your boss or with a higher-up, you will want to be prepared if your boss asks you something about a new job opening or a possible promotion. Have reasons ready for why you want the promotion and why you would fit well in the position.
Tip #7 – Observe Successful Co-Workers
Pay attention to co-workers who are especially good at their jobs. What is it that enables them to be so efficient? And what is it that elicits so much praise from upper management? Copy these qualities and you should see the same results.
Tip #8 – Be Scrappy
Scrappiness is an important trait of those who are successful. No matter how badly the road to success treats them, they take their lumps and then return to the path. Ultimately, they prevail because they refuse to do anything else.
Tip #9 – Make Your Boss Look Good
Another thing that the successful know how to do is to make the boss look good. This is especially true if you can do it in front of her superiors or a partner from another business. Your boss will appreciate this; and will want to do what she can to ensure that you are around to help her again.
Tip #10 – Befriend the HR Department
Make a friend in human resources. Next time there is a job opening in the works, you will be one of the first people to find out about it.
Author Bio: Learn how to get a job promotion or find a new career today! Visit Michelle’s website, and learn how to write a resume and find employment.
Category: Career
Keywords: career, job promotion, writing a resume, find a job, job search, workplace