Around the World on a Gap Year

“I’m taking a gap year”, has become the catch phrase of many young (and not so young) people as they make the decision to take some time out from their busy lives and the expectations of a demanding work or study. Rather than just kicking back and doing nothing more strenuous than turning the pages of the daily paper, more and more people are signing up for placements in foreign lands to volunteer on conservation or teaching projects. Although unpaid, these placements enable volunteers to carry out some worthwhile work as well as experience the culture of a different country.

There are various companies who specialise in gap year placements and it is always more advisable to go through a reputable firm than to try and do it yourself. But the main advantage a company will have is that it will be able to advise you on where the best placements are and match you to the most suitable project.


Whether your preference is Malawi, Kenya or South Africa, many people’s first choice for a gap year placement is Africa. Your life-changing experience could involve working in one of the many projects on offer in this wildlife-rich country. Choose from the Addo Elephant Park, the Hoedspruit Cheetah Project, Kariega Game Reserve, Moholoholo Rehab centre or the world-famous Shamwari Game Reserve. No matter where your placement you will have the opportunity to work on projects where your contribution will provide valuable assistance in research, rehabilitation and maintenance. Once your gap year placement is over you will be able to spend another few months travelling if you have the time and money – so be frugal!


While probably not as popular as Africa for gap year conservation holidays, India has some unique opportunities to volunteer with animals. The Cotiago Wildlife Sanctuary in Goa has a wonderful Wildlife Preservation program which is staffed by volunteers who contribute towards data collection and research. Also in Goa, the Turtle Preservation Program is dedicated to saving the endangered numbers of the local marine turtles. It is also the opportunity to live and work in one of the most peaceful and serene environments in the world.

Sri Lanka

One of Asia’s most fascinating countries, the tiny island nation of Sri Lanka is also home to an abundance of wildlife. Unfortunately, due to external factors and habitat endangerment, numbers of some of these beautiful creatures are dwindling. The government of Sri Lanka are extremely committed to preserving their wildlife and there are some worthwhile and adventurous projects for volunteers to become involved in on their gap year. Whether you choose to work in a placement on an elephant project or in one involving the unique Sri Lankan sub-species of leopard, along the way you will no doubt fall in love with Sri Lanka and her wonderful friendly people. The island is small enough that you will be able to explore it on day trips and weekends away from your gap year placement or, if time allows, once your work is complete take a few weeks to really wind down and enjoy the island paradise.

Author Bio: Mark Bottell is the General Manager for Worldwide Experience, an online tour operator offering extended breaks on gap year and other adventurous holidays for adults

Category: Travel
Keywords: gap year

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