The Art Of Self Defense Techniques

It is important to note that martial arts and self defense are two entirely separate entities.

While one can spend their entire lives learning flashy martial arts moves that can take down five attackers at once, it actually only takes a minimal amount of time to learn self defense techniques that can help you survive an unexpected attack. Self defense strategies implore the use of the physiology of the human body to allow you to take down any attacker, no matter their size or level of fighting experience. The human body is certainly a powerful thing, but only if you truly learn how to use it to your advantage.

Many people are shocked to find out that size really isn’t all that important when it comes to defending yourself. Some of the best self defense tactics can be completely easily and painlessly by anyone, no matter what size they might be. The fact of the matter is, that you need to understand how the human body works and also how to make it work to your advantage. Also, the common criminal was likely trained to fight on the street. They will know how to be violent, but they won’t know the same strategies that someone who is properly trained in self defense techniques will have at their disposal.

Many of the strategies involve certain pressure points on the human body. If you become familiar with these points, you will easily be able to bring down an attacker twice your size with barely even an effort. However, you need to have the confidence to be able to use these tactics when the time comes up. Some people, even those who are properly trained, will falter in a violent situation because mentally, they are not prepared. That is why preparing mentally as well as physically is crucial.

Self defense mentality involves the ability to remain calm even in high stress situations. The slightest error in judgment can be your downfall, so your mind needs to be trained to analyze the situation and quickly come up with a solution in a split seconds time. That is why all the best self defense training courses and videos focus not only on the physical, but on the mental as well. No matter how many skills you have, if you panic in the situation, you won’t be able to use them.

But of course, the physical aspect of it is extremely important. But it helps to remember that it is something that absolutely anyone can learn. So just because you aren’t in the best physical shape or that you have no background in martial arts, there is no reason to not learn how to protect yourself. A violent attacker can surface at any time, any place. Even if you live in an upscale neighborhood that you feel is free from violent crime, it can still happen. Most often, it is simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But with the proper self defense techniques, you can turn your wrong time into the criminals wrong time, as he gets sent off to jail.

Author Bio: For more details about self defense techniques and self defense, please visit :

Category: Sports
Keywords: self defense techniques, self defense

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