Simple Do-It-Yourself Burglar Alarms For Your Home

In this day and age, I’m sure you know that protecting yourself and your family should be given paramount importance. The best way to start is right inside your home. The home used to be the safest place to be. But over time, more and more crimes are being committed inside it. The most common are burglaries and robberies. One day, you’ll just wake up with your house in full disarray and your precious possessions all gone. Or worst, if the evildoers tie you up or put a gun on your head while they go around ransacking your home.

Fortunately, you can prevent the above situation from happening. Just by keeping a pepper spray or mace spray around would put you in a more better position than being caught off guard and empty handed by any robber or burglar. Burglar alarms are also very popular today. They are designed to literally “alarm” you if any breaking in happens. Most of the time, the sound of alarms scares robbers off their feet thus, leaving your home untouched. You also avoid the need to come in contact with the thieves.

Burglar alarms may either be installed by professionals or you can do it yourself. Simple and easy do-it-yourself burglar alarms are very common nowadays and they are just as effective as the professionally installed alarms as long as you religiously follow the manual. Here are some considerations you need to know when installing burglar alarms inside your home.

– Ask around

You may have friends and other relatives who are already using burglar alarms in their homes. Ask them what kind they are using and if they’re happy with it, how effective it can be, and have it ever gone off, anything that you would like to know. You can also search the net to learn what kinds of alarms are suitable for your home and how much it would cost you. Read product reviews so you’ll know how reputable the company you would like to make a purchase with is.

– Location of alarm

Once you have bought the alarm system, locate an area inside your home which can be the best spot for your alarm. Put it at a place where everyone can hear it in case it goes off. Otherwise, buying and installing it is just a waste of your time. You can put it in your living room so that when it does sound, you can hear it clear and loud. Make sure though that it wouldn’t be too obvious that anyone who enters your home won’t even make an effort to notice it. Keep it inconspicuous and effective at the same time.

– Location of alarm sensors

The next thing you need to do is to find the place where an intrusion or break-in is likely to happen. It may either be in your backdoor or the windows of your kitchen or any place where you think the burglar will most probably enter. If you have a sufficient amount of sensors on hand, you can try covering all windows inside your home. Once you know where to put the sensors, make sure to confuse the wiring of the alarm system with that of the other electrical wirings inside your home. This is to prevent the burglar from messing up with your system so he can enter unnoticed.

Author Bio: Annabelle Lehoux is Judo instructor and the co-founder of Self Defense Products Depot which offers large variety of gadgets such as steel baton, dummy camera, metal detector and bear spray for your personal and home security. To learn more on how these products can help your situation, please visit

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Burglar alarm, alarm system, alarm sensor, pepper spray, mace spray, burglary

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