Link Building Best Practices: Where Quality Rules Over Quantity

Ordinary online visitors are not very familiar with how search engine operates, what SEO is, and how particular web site comes up on the top of the search results where others live at the bottom. Most visitors never even doubt and a big portion of web site visitors believe that the web sites show up on search results randomly.

In the world of SEO, search engines utilize certain algorithms to rank internet sites based on specific topics. There are many different aspects involved in getting a web site ranked on the top and out of all the aspects out there, one of the most significant ranking criteria is backlinks. More backlinks a site has or more internet sites link back to your site, higher your site/blog ranks on search engines. Link building for your site therefore is a crucial step in maintaining top listing.

It is a widespread belief in SEO world that more backlinks a site/blog has, better ranking a site will get on organic and natural search results. While this concept is fairly true and was even more true in the past, Google as an industry leader is paying more importance to quality over quantity these days. It is therefore enormously significant that you focus on quality while running your link building movement.

There are few things to bear in mind while crafting a quality link building campaign. Google now considers neighborhood for the web sites to see which theme or subject matter the website in question is founded on. Google bot visits and crawls every site/blog on the world wide web and based on the data composed, Google gets a pretty good intelligence on the site content and topic.

For example: if a site has information on diet recipe, then the site would fall within the area of health and fitness or food and recipe. When pursuing a link building campaign, it is then ultimate to get backlinks from sites that are related to health, fitness, or food. If site/blog owners get backlinks from very much any websites they get their hands on, they all will not be considered as quality backlinks as they are not coming from web site within the same neighborhood.

Not only link from relevant theme based web sites will give you quality backlinks. Authority of the website that is passing you the backlink also plays a critical part. More authority a site has, better link juice it can pass to your web site. Therefore it is important to get links form relevant authority web-sites that will pass quality backlinks.

While quantity of backlink is an imperative factor, often quality of the links outrank quantities depending on rivals. If your competitor has 1,000 backlinks from junk web-sites that are not even somewhat close to the site theme, then there is a very good likelihood that you can outrank that site/blog with only few dozen theme based quality contextual backlinks.

Link building used to be very simple few years back where all one needed to do is to make some contract with few large site owners and get the link shown on the whole website. This type of sitewide backlinks no longer woks and lot of other avenues of gathering backlinks ceased to work as well. Quality relevant contextual backlink is the key now so keep that in mind which will serve you well in the long run.

Author Bio: For more information on link building, visit the author’s SEO Blog.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: backlinks,link building,link popularity,seo,search engine optimization,internet marketing,internet

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