How to Get More Traffic to Your Squidoo Lenses – Top 3 Ways

If you are trying to make a name for yourself or your business online in order to make some steady income, Squidoo is a great place to start. Like many of the other sites that allow you to post articles, blurbs, or as in this case a lens, Squidoo also offers a means to gain a great source of traffic while being able to add extra widgets on your lens to add extra streams of income potential.

In order to start making any money from your Squidoo lenses, there are a few things you will need to do to get as much traffic coming in as you can. The following are some tips to get you headed in the right direction.

Choose Good Keywords

You will want to have good quality keywords that other searchers are looking for when looking up the answer to their questions for whatever niche or topic you want to write about. Once you have keywords placed properly throughout your Squidoo lens, the search engines will be able to pick these up and drive readers to your lens.

A Lot Of Ingoing And Outgoing Links

If you have links going to a blog or website that also has pages indexed in Google, or has the same keywords you have used in your lens, you will receive even more traffic when people follow through these links. You will be able to rank higher on the search engines and provide better competition for your competitors. It works best when you use your keywords as anchor text to your outgoing links.

Optimize Your Title Tag and Description Tags

When you first create your lens, you will have a set up area where you name your lens, put in a description and add some meta tags. In these areas you need to make sure you include all of the keywords you want to be optimizing for, going back and editing your lenses by adding more targeted tags (right hand editing column under ‘Sort Modules’). For instance, if there are various ways to use a long tail keyword phrase, once you have added the first original long tail, you can break up the phrase into smaller keywords as well so that way when it is being crawled it will see all the words that will be beneficial for you.

There is more to search engine optimization than what has been covered here, but using these practices on your Squidoo lenses will help you rank better and bring in traffic from many sources. Once you have the traffic coming in, you can add different modules onto your lens to earn affiliate commission from Adsense, Amazon, and several of the other networks associated with Squidoo.

In conclusion, in order to start making any money from your Squidoo lenses, there are a few things you will need to do to get as much traffic coming in as you can. The tips above can help get you headed in the right direction, as Squidoo offers a means to gain a great source of traffic as well as extra streams of income potential.

Author Bio: Advance with Affordable Business Support Services & Products, Outsourcing your own Hubpages with Personal Virtual Assistants today at: – visit the links to sign up for their free newsletter packed with tips!

Category: Internet
Keywords: link building,squidoo lenses, hubpages,one way links,seo services,seo

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