How to Make Better Use of Your Hubpages – Top 3 Ways

Hubpages, also referred to as Hubs or a Hub, are a great way to get traffic and share your expertise with the world. Hubs are free to publish, and you can make money from them with Google Adsense ads, Amazon affiliate links and other assorted avenues there to make an extra income stream for yourself.

Hubpages can serve as link builders to your own websites, once you insert your URLs inside Hub modules. However, another way to prosper from these Hubs is to actually make money directly from them by driving in a ton of traffic or at least targeted traffic in varying amounts. So, how do you get traffic to your Hubpages?

The following tips can help you with Hub success:

1. Write “How to” Posts.

People are always popping online to search out the best information for whatever ails them. They like to find solutions to their problems in a step by step approach, so that they can just follow along and fix their problems, quick and easy solutions, for instance. You can write about almost any topic in a “How to” format.

2. Write “List” posts.

List posts, i.e. posts where you specify a numbered or bullet list of items, often capture more readers and keep their attention. With most people living busy lives, they just want to jump online, find an article or post that has a title which sounds like it can solve their problem and then begin to read the post. If you can write short quick points in a list format, once readers skim through your article or Hub, they will be able to quickly grab the main points by seeing your list. This helps draw & keep their attention for while, more so than a lengthy 10 paragraph article with no subheadings, for example.

3. Add a little visual appeal.

When writing about a topic, if you can add photos or graphics to your post, this can allow your reader to have a more enjoyable experience of the senses and invite readers to remember more of what you presented in your Hub based on the pictures associated with the text. Adding images with description and tags for the search engines also helps your posts rank better, and hence your visitors will even be able to find you by doing an image search.

There are many more ways to get traffic to your Hubpages if you are creative and spend some time every day working with them. For instance, if you are fond of writing on a certain topic and have written many other posts covering the different areas of the subject, you should make sure they are all linked together so a reader can just effortlessly click from page to page as they finish reading each on of your hubs and wants to continue learning.

Hint: It is also easier to bookmark one link than all of your Hubs that may be appealing to a reader. So invite readers to bookmark your content.

With a little bit of dedicated effort every day, you can start seeing more and targeted traffic to your Hubs in no time. So add Hubpages to your To Do list or outsource work there and move your business ahead little more!

Author Bio: Advance with Affordable Business Support Services & Products, Outsourcing your own Hubpages with Personal Virtual Assistants today at: – visit the links to sign up for their free newsletter packed with tips!

Category: Internet
Keywords: link building,hubpages,one way links,seo services,seo,virtual assistants,outsource

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