What Happens After Vasectomy Reversal?

Most patients who choose to go in for a vasectomy reversal ate apprehensive about the procedure and success rate of the surgery. It is vital to understand that the success of the surgery will depend on a multitude of factors not the least of which is the expertise and the experience of the surgeon who performs the procedure. The technique used in the microsurgical reversal of a vasectomy is known as multi layer, 10-0 suturing. The vas deferens is a tube that helps to transport the sperms from the epididymis to the prostrate glands. This tube is severed and clamped in the original procedure while through the reversal surgery; the doctor tries to reconnect the ends of the vas deferens establishing unhindered sperm flow. However, the vas deferens is as thin as a spaghetti so you can imagine how skilled your surgeon has to be to reconnect its ends ensuring that there is no possibility of leakage.

The reversal surgery is conducted under the influence of general or epidural anesthesia and seldom takes more than two hours to be completed. You will be asked to stay in the hospital till the anesthesia wears off in case of general anesthesia. However, you can ask a loved one to drive you home or you could even do it yourself after a surgery in which local anesthesia is used. The doctor will give you a series of instructions that will help you to heal fast and appropriately after the procedure. It is essential to follow these instructions diligently because the way you care for yourself after the surgery is also a crucial factor in determining the success rate of vasectomy reversal.

You may feel some amount of discomfort after the surgery while some patients also complain of slight pain. Either way the surgeon will often prescribe over the counter painkillers like Advil or Tylenol which are quite adequate to relieve the discomfort and pain. You will also be advised to lie down as much as possible so for a few days stick to your bed or to your favorite recliner. It is also important to avoid all forms of strenuous physical activities for at least four weeks after the procedure. Do not lift heavy objects are go for taxing exercise routines. Avoid swimming and the bath tub; however, you can take a shower 48 hours after the surgery. You will also have to stay away from sexual actvities and avoid ejaculation for these four weeks. The doctor may even as you wear a jockstrap for support.

What to expect after the surgery?

Some amount of swelling bruising and redness are common after the surgery, use an ice pack to minimize the inflammation.
There may be some amount of bleeding or bloody discharge from the area where t incision was made on the scortum; you don’t have to be perturbed about this.

While some amount of pain and discomfort and common, if you experience an increase in the intensity of pain within 48 hours of the surgery, you should consult the doctor at the earliest because it may be an infection

The same also holds true if the scortum swells up to a size that is larger than a tennis ball.

Some men experience a little pain when the ejaculate for the first time after the procedure

What not to expect?

Do not expect over night results. If you feel that your partner will get pregnant within a month of the procedure, you could not be more wrong. Even though some cases have been reported in which conception was achieved within a few months of the procedure; realistically, it takes eight to twelve months for healthy sperms to return to the semen and their volume is high enough to cause pregnancy.

Even though the success rate of the procedure is very high, do not get your hopes to high. It is recommended that you go for sperm banking so that you can father a child biologically even if the vasectomy reversal fails to work.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a Internet Marketing Company consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading Vasectomy Reversal blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility

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