Five Things You Probably Shouldn’t Do With a Pager

Do you remember the first time you were given your pager? It was probably during your first week of medical school and no doubt you were delighted with the responsibility! My, how times have changed. Sure, your pager is extremely useful but it beeps so much that you’ve probably at some point entertained thoughts of dropping it into the ocean, but why not use it as a secret weapon instead.

Beep Yourself Out of Meetings

If you’ve got an extremely boring meeting that you simply can’t get out of, why not use your pager to your advantage? Slip your flat-mate a fiver and ask her to send you an alert during the meeting. Then you can simply slip out of the room and have everyone assume that you’re attending to a medical emergency with one of your patients. That way you still look extremely professional, but you get to skip the boring bits. However, choosing to meet your friends at your local instead is not something that we suggest.

Impress Non-Doctors

It’s strange, but people that have never had a pager of their own seem to be a little obsessed with them – clearly pager envy is a real worry these days. Getting it out on dates is ingenious for two purposes. Firstly it lets your date know that they could be in danger of losing your precious company at any minute. Secondly, when you’re faced with a snooty sommelier who keeps trying to sell you ultra-expensive bottles of wine, a quick wave of your pager says I’m on call and hence can’t drink your flashy wine.

Use it for Fame

Are you feeling a little bit ignored and unnoticed? Are you worried that all your fellow interns may have forgotten your name? Simply take the batteries out of your pager and your name will be at the front of everyone’s minds due to countless loudspeaker announcements. Of course, you also run the risk of being at the forefront of many house doctors’ minds, so next time there’s a typically mundane job that needs doing you’ll probably be the intern that it goes to.

Ruin Romantic Moments

Are you going to watch a weepy movie with your friends? Why not take some evil delight in ruining the moment for them. Drop your pager into your bag without turning it off and watch your friends get more and more frustrated as you rifle around your backpack trying to turn it off. You can also use this technique to ruin the cinematic experience for all the other cinema-goers – they don’t call you a killjoy for nothing.

Show It Who’s Boss

Who hasn’t entertained thoughts of dropping their pager in the toilet? It’s not that we don’t appreciate the fantastic piece of technology at the end of our fingertips; it’s just sometimes we’re a little sick of being on call 24/7. So when you arrive home at the end of another sleepless night, frustrated at having been beeped on your pager a hundred times during the course of the day, simply fill the sink up with ice-cold water, take your pager out of your pocket, then remember how many lives that have potentially been saved because of it, and stick it back on your bedside table.

Author Bio: Jenny Kettlewell is the Marketing Manager for Multitone Systems, a telecommunications strategy company that has provided pager and paging systems for organisations in the public and private sector for many years.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: Pager

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