Why Having Good Dental Health Will Keep the Teeth Looking White?

Sometimes in life we are obsessed with form over function and this means we are sometimes more interested in how the teeth look than how healthy they are and this is sometimes true with teeth whitening.

Having great looking white teeth is amazing and it can really help transform people’s lives and in this article we are not trying to steer anyone off from undertaking whitening in any form but just recognise that you will still need to visit the dentist regularly and maintain regular brushing and flossing.

When we get older the teeth start to lose their colour and become a dull colour and this is when teeth whitening is a useful treatment to brighten the teeth and restore the colour back to their former glory. There are many different types of whitening to do this effectively but the options really come in two main categories. Home whitening or in chair whitening are the options.

Home whitening – There are a growing range of products which include the following as just a few.

Whitening Pens

This is like a lipstick or a pen which contains some whitening gel to brighten the teeth. Ideal for maintain a smile or for just lighter staining.


On the market there are the standard pastes which claim tot whiten the teeth and there are the gritty types which help remove any surface staining and are slightly abrasive. These abrasive types are useful to use once per week to gently cleanse the enamel.


A fairly new product to the market and conceptually will contain a whitening component to brighten the outer staining of the enamel.

Gum Shields

For home use the gum shields will require moulding to suit your mouth and then you will wear for up to one hour at a time. Generally the gel will be mild enough to avoid hurting the gums and soft tissues in the mouth.

Bleaching Trays

These are similar to above but will be made by the dentist to fit the teeth and you will need to wear the trays whilst you sleep. These will gently whiten the teeth over the fourteen day program.


These are like a tape with a gel embedded within them and when stuck to the teeth will gently whiten. Quite useful if you gag using the tray systems as these sit on the teeth are you hardly know they are on them!

In chair – this is where the whitening occurs in a dentist or teeth whitening clinic.

Laser teeth whitening – this procedure takes one hour and will whiten the teeth using the led light to apply light and heat in to the whitening gel to remove the staining. This treatment can be done again in the future to suit aspirations.

Zoom whitening – exclusively undertaken by dentists and is similar to laser whitening but zoom have created a brand name recognised all over the world.

So whatever whitening you decide do not neglect visits to the dentist and always ensure the teeth and gums are healthy.

Author Bio: Some more to see 1 hour teeth whitening and there is more to explore at Marlow teeth whitening

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: teeth, whitening,laser,whiter teeth, dental, zoom

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