Do Male Human Pheromones Really Attract Girls?

There are already thousands of articles explaining how human pheromones work in attracting girls, but do they really work in getting you permanent results? The answer lies not in just the pheromones itself, but is a combination of many factors that make you attractive.

You see, when a person walks into a room full of people, that person is emitting a vibration. It can be positive vibrations like friendliness and happiness or negative vibrations like anger, fear and hate. So when you smile, you are giving off the vibration of a friendly person and this makes it easier for people to approach you and vice versa.

On the other hand when you scowl in the presence of others, you are letting off negative vibrations and people will feel that you are anti social or have some problems and telling them not to mess with you. This vibration repels people from approaching you or talking to you. So our body language and behavior play a big role in the acceptance of others towards ourselves.

This is the same in the use of human pheromone. Human pheromone manufacturers claim that their products work by attracting the opposite sex and thus making you more attractive. Although this is true if their products do contain detectable pheromone, it may not work in your favor if other factors such as your vibrations are out of alignment.

Pheromones are not miracle cures that can attract a girlfriend to you out of thin air. They can only amplify your sexuality on what you already have. The girl you have a crush on do not like you because she does not like your face, then no matter how many tons of human pheromone you’ve splashed on yourself is not going to help one teeny weeny bit. This is because she already has a mindset of who you are and has decided that she does not like your facial features. On the other hand, if you have a neutral face to her, then the pheromone you wear will make you more attractive to her.

We all know that girls are attracted to the confident alpha male type and so if you portray a beta male personality when talking to women, she may like you at first because of your pheromone, this attraction will not last because sooner or later, she will decide that you do not have the attractive male personality and all the pheromone in the world is not going to make her change her mind.

However, if you are the confident alpha male she is looking for and you are wearing human pheromone cologne, you will make her swoon and fall in love with you.

So what does this mean? Well, wearing human pheromone products may make you attractive to women initially, but if you do not know the skills in seducing women and keeping her with you, then the attraction is only a temporary measure.

I mean you can’t be wearing your pheromone 24 hour a day and 365 days a year right? So that will mean that you will still have to work on your seduction and flirting skills to be more attractive to girls on a permanent basis.

So do human pheromones really work in attracting men and women? Of course they do, but the rest is up to you.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at Attract Beautiful Girls Hypnosis and Natural Attraction Human Pheromone

Category: Dating
Keywords: human pheromones, attractive, really work, women, girls

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